
Do you drink bottled water or tap water? Answer Y or No and tell if your male or female..?

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I have never drank bottled water. IMHO, Anyone that would spend 2 dollars on a bottle of water is a sap!




  1. Tap is fine


    Bottled is only for convenience

  2. Tap Water ~ Female

       its freeee! :]]


  3. I am a female and I prefer to drink the water that comes out of my fridge which is usally on the freezer door.

    Spending $10 on the purest bottled water is a waste of money when you can buy a little over 2 gallons of gas for the same amount.

    It's not that I hate tap water but sometimes it doesn't have the greatest taste. I usually use tap water for ramen noodles and tea but that water is boiled.

    But overall tap because it's just easier acess and it's cheaper.

  4. I'm female.

    I usually drink tap water but of course if I'm out and need a drink I'll buy a bottle.

  5. Tap -female

    *most of the time bottled water is just tap water that a company put into a bottle!!

  6. Mostly tap, but if I am dining out and ask for water, bottled is produced.  Some places don't serve tap.  Female.

  7. Bottled water. Male.

  8. Both-  female.   At home I use the tap but away from home I believe its better to drink bottled H2O than soda.  

    But like Celtish I put the tap water thru the Brita.   And my fridge has a filter for the ice maker.

  9. I rarely drink bottled water as such. One never knows where it's been. (Male.)

    I use tap water and run it through my Brita kettle.

  10. I drink a little of both.  I would say most of the time I drink tap water.  If I can't get tap water, or if I'm in an area where the tap water smells and tastes nasty, I'll insist on bottled water.  And yes, like my avatar, I'm female.

  11. Tap water 97% of the time. If I'm out somewhere and it is really hot, I have been known to break down and buy a bottle of water.

    I'm female.

  12. tap water - male

    the thought of all those plastic bottles gets me mad.

  13. Both, depending on where I'm at. Plus you don't have to spend $2 per bottle. If you buy it in bulk you can get some for as little as 25 cents per bottle or less.

    oh btw, Male

  14. I will drink whatever is available. Tap or Bottled. I work in the construction field, so in summer, I will often purchase water bottles in bulk (about $6 for 24 from Grocery store) for when I am on site, where tap water is not available and de-hydration is a concern.


  15. Bottled water. Female.

    In our country we only get desalinated tap water and are advised to get a water purifier or to use bottled water. Manufacturers remove the salts through reverse osmosis and replace them to their specifications which is considered safer en more hygienic.

  16. Tap water through a filter. It's far cheaper and tastes much better than most bottled waters, many of which taste either like fish, algae, or cardboard.

  17. My refrigerator has a filtered water dispenser, so technically, it's tap water that has been cooled and filtered.  Female.

  18. Bottled water with a hint of fruit.  Why? Because I want to and the tap water in my town tastes like c**p and it has made people sick before.  Sometimes it has to be boiled, but still tastes terrible.

  19. New York City Tap water since 1992 / before then tap water in Germany since 1983 - Male... and I still don't glow in the dark!

  20. I normally drink tap water, but I drink bottled water at work.  It's only $.75 in the vending machine.

  21. Female and I drink both.

    Same dif, it's water.

  22. Tap Water. Male.

  23. Both. I drink tap water at home (usually filtered) or work. If I'm out and about I'll take a bottle of tap water with me, but if for some reason I forget and I'm thirsty I'll buy a bottle. Female.

  24. Tap water.  Female

  25. I drink filtered tap water.  However, on rare occassions when I've been out all day and run out, I've resorted to buying a bottle.


  26. Bottled water. Female.

  27. Both


  28. Tap water. . . and I'm female.  I have had bottled water before when it's all I could find or easily transport, though.

    Without getting into details, my research area also happens to fall under the "what's in your drinking water?" heading.  I trust the regulations on tap water a *lot* more than I do the ones on bottled water, myself.

    P.S. Technically, it's not called "leaching" when you're talking about gases and liquids -- that would be solids and liquids, generally.  You probably want something more like "volatilizes" here.

  29. Bottled.  I buy it by the gallon and pour it into my own smaller bottles, and I always recycle.

    The tap water in my town smells and tastes of chlorine.

    ETA:  yes, I've heard that and tried it too.  Chlorine is a gas and that taste and smell is supposed to escape, but it takes longer than overnight and I want my water now.  It's 65 cents a gallon.  I'll buy a few gallons each week, thanks.

  30. Tap water ... Female

  31. Tap water, female

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