
Do you drive a car to work?

by  |  earlier

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if Yes

Do you enjoy your drive to work?

If No

Is it your only option?

If No

Why do you drive to work?




  1. yes. my drive is short and thru a picturesque highway with no traffic.

  2. yes, its about 2.5 miles away from my house and i hate it, i almost get in an avg. of 2 accidents each way because of dumb *** people that should not have their license and slow idiots who don't know the speed limit is 45 not 35!!! i admit it sometimes it would be my fault if i got in an accident but most of the time its other peoples fault. mostly i hate the high gas prices i have a car that gets 15.6 mpg everyone tells me they get 20 with there's i take it to the dealership nothings wrong, but i drive in the most fuel efficient way possible, use cruise control, coast to stop lights, no "jack rabbit starts"

    do i have another option? yes its a family owned mortgage company, but i prefer to drive so if i want to leave early or go hang out with my friends after work or what ever i can.

  3. Yes I do and it is about a 30 minute drive that I enjoy very much.  I listen to old time radio shows on the way and it helps me unwind.

  4. i do enjoy my drive to work-i love looking at my surroundings-especially with the pretty fall colors on the leaves. I do have to drive as there would be no other way to get to and from work.

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