
Do you drive in and reverse out or do you reverse in and drive out of your driveway?

by Guest57249  |  earlier

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I always think it is so much safer to reverse into our driveway and then drive out because the view is quite bad. Do you reverse in to your driveway then drive out or vice versa?

Which do you think is safer? Explain?




  1. Reverse in

  2. I'm sure you're advised if not taught by your driving instructor to reverse in, then drive out. That way you're not reversing onto a main road, which if I remember correctly, is illegal anyways.

    Honestly I'm not 100% sure, I shall ask my instructor this evening.

  3. I reverse in and drive out.  You know there's no traffic in your driveway, you can't safely see what's happening on the road. Plus it's more economical to drive straight off, rather than reverse and manoeuvre with a cold engine. Plus it's an old military habit, you always park up so you can bug out in a hurry!

  4. I have stone pillars at the entrance to my driveway that make reversing in very difficult and tedious at an angle. I also live on a cul-de-sac so I could come hopping sideways out of my driveway and nobody would be bothered. I just drive in and turn around at the end of my driveway when I leave again. I'm stuck parking outside because it's a three car garage and I'm the fourth car.

    Although I would never live on a busy street, I would imagine that it's safer to NOT reverse in, simply because you'd be going against traffic. Seems a bit silly, don't you think?

  5. Whatever way you park it is important to allways take extreme care ``

  6. I always reverse in and it is just safer overall because you can see the back before you get in and you can see everything while driving off.

  7. well, I've lived in 2 houses that have had driveways, but both were on roads with very little traffic (dead end roads in the middle of nowhere, with like 4 houses on them)  and I always pulled in and backed out.  But, there was hardly any traffic, and this method was easier for me.

    Now, I live in an apartment complex that has a parking lot.  I still pull in and back out.

    However, If I lived on a busy street, I may consider backing in a pulling out, it seems like it could be a better option.  I hate backing up on busy streets though, so Maybe I would just use my front lawn as a turnaround?  yeah that sounds good to me.

  8. If I have been shopping then I reverse in so that it's easier to empty the boot.

    If the road is clear when I get home then I reverse in.

    Otherwise, I just drive in and reverse out.

    As Little Bear said though, you shouldn't really reverse out into a road.

  9. The general rule is that you should not reverse from a minor road to a major one.  So you should always where practicable reverse into your drive.  If you can not you should use a banksman to reverse out onto the main road.  Failing that, pray.

  10. Where I live, it doesn't really matter... and I always have to park around a bunch of kids bikes anyway. I always revers in so I don't accidentally run over one that has been moved without me realizing it when i  leave. I can revers around kid bikes better than most people going forward around driving cones.

  11. Haven't got a driveway.

  12. It's generally safer to reverse in.  There's no traffic in your driveway.

    I keep two cars in my garage.  It's a bit tight and they both have to be parked against the side walls to leave a gap in the middle for getting out and so the wing mirrors don't hit each other.  I used to reverse them both in, but now cars have so much stuff in the centre console, you can't get out of the passenger door from the drivers seat without leaving footprints on the stereo.  So I have to put one in forwards and one in backwards.

  13. There is no better way, The Safety depends how good or how worse driver that you are.

    My relatives drive their cars in, reverse turn whilst on drive, and then drive out, sometimes this procedure can be quite dangerous.

  14. I think safer to reverse in and thats what I do. My street has no pavement is quite dangerous whatever I do, but wont reverse out unless someone on the road  letting me know no cars or pedestrians are there.

    Safety First!!

  15. i have to drive in. there is a hedge on the passenger side, so i have to let passengers out first.

    i live in a quiet cul-de-sac so reversing out (uphill...) is not a problem

  16. I drive in and reverse out but hubby has a van and he reverses in and drives out.

  17. Drive in - reverse out.

    It probably is safer the other way round.

  18. I reverse into my drive as it is so much easier.

    Depending on where you live at what time you leave in the morning and many other facts are involved in how and why you park the way that you do on your drive. There isn't necessarily a safe way to park on your drive unless your view is quite bad and if it is for that reason i would reverse into the drive

  19. I have a secure car park so it doesn't matter if i reverse into my spot as its in a car park, but I normally drive in and reverse out of my spot.

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