
Do you drive or take the bus?

by  |  earlier

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Do you do this for financial reasons or ecological ones?




  1. i get rides from my friend

  2. Both. Actually it's a tram. (I live in Melbourne and  live close to the tram line). And it's so convenient, no parking hassles.

  3. Drive...because I love my make choices when to stop, what music to listen to..and where I want to go when I want to go there.  I am so part of the me generation..LOL.

  4. Drive cause it's convenient...

  5. I myself use both.If I dont have to be some where at a specic time I take the bus.If somthing needs to be done asap I drive myself

  6. im scared of buses and i cant drive so neither! my parents drive me places. i dont like buses at all


  7. i drive cuz no bus runs around here. My kids ride the school bus though

  8. Drive.

    Convenient, time efficient.

    Rarely by bus if I have plenty of time and parking is expensive.

  9. I drive because where I live the bus passes every blue moon.

  10. I take the bus - simply cause i can't drive..

    My dad is a taxi driver so he usually runs after me too though hehe :-D

  11. I use the bus. I use the bus because i have no other choice. It would be cheaper to use the car, and i couldnt give a toss about the environment. If Arriva bucked up their ideas, i wouldnt want, nor need a car!

  12. bus .. freee .. soo . . =D

  13. I drive

    there is no public bus system in Holly Springs, NC

    everybody drives everywhere.

  14. i take it coz im too poor to drive and not botherd to walk so a bit of both...

  15. I take the bus because I've been so freaking lazy and I haven't even gotten my license yet!

    But.. if I did have my license, I would drive just because I get so stressed out because even though I have the bus schedule, it's either too early so i miss it, or it's too late... also, you have to stand out there in the cold during winter and in the rain.. it's not really fun bussing.


    Man i need a car.

  16. i prefer to drive is moor helpful than get the bus.

  17. both :)

  18. neither i walk

  19. Drive and I do it for ecological

  20. drive. coz there's no bus in my area.

  21. focus

  22. I take the bus. Mostly because I haven't gotten around to getting my license yet, and Toronto has a pretty good transit system. It serves me well. Environmental aspects factor in as well, more so than financial reasons for me.

  23. I drive

  24. I drive for financial reasons. If I had to make my living taking what is called "mass transit" in my city, I'd starve to death.

    For roughly the same cost as the price of bus fare, paid for in gas, I can be in downtown when sent, get paid mileage and my parking reimbursed. I don't have to check schedules in a city where what would be a 20 minute drive would take 2 hours by bus with half a dozen transfers.


  25. I dribe because it is better in this country you need to drive because everything is time.I have 2 jobs and I cant take the bus that would be a totally waste of time. I understand people who cant not afford buying a car and I feel really bad about that.

  26. bus cause i cant drive

  27. Drive, I got to commute to work and I have to carry tools so a bus would be virtually impossible for me.

  28. There are no busses out here in the sticks! I have to drive to get to work.... No choice on that one unless I move!

  29. take the bus

  30. Train - it's faster, more comfortable, cheaper, and better for the environment then driving (at least for my daily commute).

    I don't do it for ecological reasons, because the other reasons are more than enough to persuade me to do it, so I don't need to think about the environmental benefits.

    (On the other hand, I keep my heating turned down low, don't leave my TV on standby, and have CFL bulbs throughout my flat).

  31. Actullys  I'v never taken the bus except for one time when I really had to with my family.

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