
Do you drive so fast on the freeway that you sometimes scare yourself..........?

by Guest60115  |  earlier

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God I avarage speed is around 75-80 and last night on my way home from work I hit 90!




  1. Driving scares me period. Not because of my driving but the people around me.

    75-80 is my average speed on the freeway too!"Oops"

  2. I am never scared to drive fast in a car but in a motercycle when you hit a certian speed it starts geting blury

  3. If you are driving fast and scaring or not scaring yourself, stay the h**l away from my bumper...

  4. well it doesnt scare me it just gives me an  adrenaline rush..  cool you hit 90 call me when you hit around 130 or so lol

  5. If you're driving fast enough to scare yourself, you're driving too fast. You're a reckless driver not to mention inconsiderate of innocent drivers.

  6. I drive crazy speeds on my moped and I even do fancy tricks like wheelies and donuts.

  7. not up here in the sticks!

    I can't for 2 reasons. Too many cops with nothing to do, and theres deer that you have to watch for (they make a BIG BIG bad dent)

  8. i won't drive with any of my kids in the car...whats THAT tell you?

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