
Do you drive the speed limit?

by  |  earlier

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Do you drive the speed limit?




  1. Usually, unless Im in a hurry. I admit, I do try to leave extra time to "get there", but I do tend to speed a bit (say, 5 mph over the limit, sometimes). I feel more comfortable though, when I do the posted speed. No stress that way......

  2. No, I drive just under the speed limit.....

  3. im 16, i can honestly say i do, the only time i don't drive the speed limit is if i'm going to be late to work or school. i have a 2004 alero, v6, 2 door gls, its kinda hard not to speed but i manage. it feels like i'm going 10 miles per hour

  4. Always! .............with other drivers on the road it is sometimes difficult to keep an eye on, but consciously i try.

  5. YES.....The speed limit of my car........I drive an 04 Nissan Z350....LOL

  6. flow of traffic -ish

  7. On the hi-way, I go with the flow of traffic, it is always 5 to 10 miles above the speed limit, if you drive the speed limit you get all kinds of dirty looks and all sorts of things. you even have people drive right on your bumper. Around town, I always drive the speed limit and I get the same thing from people who are always in a rush to get in front of you.

  8. haha with my 04 g35 coupe?

    nahh...its hard not to...

    but i try to not get over 5mph...

    sometimes i go 10 over...not more...

  9. Always. And i get lots of fingers from the crazy California drivers for doing it. But i also haven't had a ticket in 20 years.

  10. Only if

    a) I'm on time

    b) I've seen the police.

    So, not very often.

  11. i try to, but most of the time i usually drive five to ten miles above speed limit!


  13. I pass the speed limit on the way up to the speed I want to run...does that count? *wink*

  14. not very often.  i'm a really good driver though.

  15. I try to.....

  16. YES.       It is our own and road user's interest to drive in the speed limit prescribed by traffic authorities.

  17. Are you da PO-lice?

  18. Yes, after being banned from driving, then another ban for driving whilst disqualified i learnt not to break the law!

    Being caught does that!

    To everyone that speeds... STOP!

    You'll wish you hadn't when you lose your driving licence.

    moral of my story: driving is a privilige - not a right!

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