
Do you eat a lot when you are hungover? (if you arent puking that is)?

by  |  earlier

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i do, i get the munchies, tho maybe i alawys have the munchies.. except when im drinking lol




  1. I like bread type foods!  when i dont get hungover and puking drunk, i like bagles and cream cheese and an iced coffee.  =)  i like something not too heavy but bread like!

  2. I can't even think about food when I have a hangover. I drink loads of orange juice, tea and irn bru till I feel hungry. Then I always have something spicy like curry, chilli or kebab.

  3. in the am after a bad night when you wake up at noon with a throbbing head ache the best cure is 2 aspirin, greasy fries,  burger & a big shake.... I know its hard to take when you wanna hurl everywhere but It works

  4. Sausage and egg sandwich this morning after a night out.

    I read that a fry up is the worst thing you can have after a noghtout but that's bullshit

  5. Greasy food is the best for a hangover, then wash it down with an ice cold beer!

  6. Years ago I discovered the perfect cure for a hangover. Don't stop drinking!I know some would call this a sign of alcoholism, but that is not so. Even my Doctor approves. He said I could have two drinks a day.I'm now up to July 7th, 2038.

  7. I just reheat whatever came up the first time. Waste not, want not.

  8. no i really cannot face food until teatime  bluuugh,just smoke more heavily

  9. a lovely big greasy fryup with a pint of milky tea...... sorted..

    bacon, sausage, lorne sausage, potatoe scone, fried egg with runny yoke, beans, fried bread and 2 butters scotch rolls.... mmmm

  10. carbs absorb any alcohol still left in the system. So of course, toast, pasta and just plain old bread

  11. yes eat everything that's not nailed down when Ive got hangover,only thing i cant touch with hangover is coffee,even the smell of it makes me heave

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