
Do you eat out alot?

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Do you eat out alot?




  1. no i like home cooked meals better

  2. like almost everyday.


    i know.

  3. YES..

    and i love it..

    i love to eat out it costs a lot.

    but we eat out every night mostly with 7 of us together..

    3 adults and 4 children plus if we have company..

    but we do it and its

  4. No, I do most of the cooking myself. When I lived in the city and was working we ate out alot, just because it was easier than coming home and having to start dinner after a day at work. Now that I stay home we might go out a couple times a month. My hubby is a diabetic now and so it's better to eat at home and stick to his diet.

  5. Not after realizing that I was paying way too much for food I could make myself at home if I stopped being lazy. Now I can make it EXACTLY how I want it and no extra people touchin my food!

  6. Not as much as I used to.

    After I started cooking at home more often, I have saved tons of money.


  7. Yeah, so-so. When my boyfriend gets paid and the rent and bills are taken cared of. To us it's a "luxury" at times.

  8. my gf

  9. too often.

  10. once a week

  11. Sometimes too much!

  12. Define alot...

  13. A couple of times a month, maybe.

  14. yes,

  15. We use to, but it's not very economical and I get tired of the food. Since I know how to cook and I find quality time with my husband. (we prepare the meals together) We only go out on the weekends.

  16. yes it's a pain!  pain in the wallet

  17. Yup! My whole family goes out for a nice lunch EVERY Sunday afternoon :D

    We spend quite alot of money on dinning out but it's totally worth it =D
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