
Do you embrace everything about yourself physically or are you constantly trying to change who you are?

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Do you embrace everything about yourself physically or are you constantly trying to change who you are?




  1. No. Fortunately, my parents gave me very good genes along with very good care.  I am intelligent so I am smart enough to figure out that the way I am is it for this lifetime.  I'm an individual and I like that I have my own beauty.  I look at girls this day and age and I can't tell one from the other.  All blonds look alike, all brunettes look alike, and old women who have all that plastic surgery and still look old, look like they belong in MMe Tussuad's wax works.  It's very sad to see.

  2. Some days i dont care what people think about me and others Im constantly worrying if he's noticing me =]

    Its different everyday.

  3. I regularly have thoughts of wanting to change my physique, but I don't obsess about it.

    Mostly I'd like to trim and tone my upper body, get rid of the love handles that have started to appear and get a bit of definition.

  4. I accept myself the way I am but I definitely trying to better myself.

  5. well....ur physical being has nothing to do with who u are

    its merely an appearance

    however...there is always room for improvement

    internally and externally


  6. I'm cool with being me.

  7. I was never ever content with myself I always wanted to be something that I wasn't, but as I grew up I realized everyone has their own unique talents and we do really have to embrace it because life flys by right before your eyes.  

  8. I do! Doesn't mean in another week, I won't 'like' to be stronger/ faster/ better/ more radiant. But thats called growth and is very necessary!

  9. I embrace myself physically (well, about as much as a teenage girl can, haha)

    As for constantly trying to change who I am, that's not so much a physical thing as a mental/social one. I'm into a lot of different kinds of music and crowds, and so sometimes I think I reinvent myself for whoever I'm hanging out with - but I don't feel fake. it's weird, it's like I'm a different person with these people (but really only as far as my interests go), but yet I don't feel fake.

    Identity is a strange thing. I think it's possible to be one person with many different personas, if that makes sense.

  10.   In my opinion embracing yourself physically completely can make you more liked and people more inclined to be around you.  Although push it too far and you will seem cocky.  

      Though thinking very low of your appearance will make you even more unhealthy from the stress.  Down this road is far worse it can cause steroid use anorexia bulimia and serious depression.

    The bottom line


    Thinking too low of your body can cause physical problems and thinking too high of yourself will cause social problems.  So i believe that you should be confident in your body so people will be naturally attracted towards you (the way people follow a leader)  But always have that little bit of push towards getting a better body by maybe going for a run right now.

  11. I have days where i think...hey im me and i am who i am, if others dont like me who cares.

    Other days i think...hey i wish i was slimmer.

    im a mixture

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