
Do you embrace your flaws, try to fix them, or ignore their existence?

by  |  earlier

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Physically and otherwise, do you embrace your flaws and accept yourself for who you are? Or do you try to fix them in yourself and others? Or do you completely ignore them or are otherwise oblivious to their existence?

In addition do you find yourself pointing out flaws in others, absent minded or purposefully, as a way to fix them or to somehow distract attention from your own? In other words: If you point out flaws in others, do you do it constructively or critically and hurtfully?




  1. If my flaws are a problem for me and other people i will change (for example if i was arrogant i would change for the better of me and people around me)

    But i dont bother changing flaws like biting my nails cos its not affecting anyone else but me and its not like im going to make much difference if i change so i ignore it.

    =) Good question...

  2. I accept the flaws that I can't change,

    and change the flaws that I can't accept

  3. Well I used to try to fix my flaws consistently. Now, for the most part [minus some physical flaws that i like changing- hair color/toning & getting more fit] I just accept myself for who I am and love myself.

    In others, I do it very constructively-- if i ever point them out.

  4. I accept the way I am.  period.  And it is not my place to be pointing out any flaws in anyone else.  (Let thee who is without sin cast the first stone.)

  5. I take in what people say and listen to them - there's no need to criticize their beliefs - I believe in communicating more so that when someone criticizes you, you can educate them if you so choose - the reason people like to point out flaws is because they don't know enough about others - here is something I recently wrote about accepting people we don't know -

  6. i embrace my flaws, it is what makes me, me.

    i never point out another's flaws, for i am not perfect

    and i never will be.

    one must point out their own flaws before doing

    so to another.

  7. I embrace my flaws. No one is perfect and therefore I just embrace my flaws, learn from my mistakes, and go from there.

  8. Embrace them, what for?!

        I am aware of my flaws, but I try not to dwell on them, that would depress me. I'll only actively "fix" a flaw when it causes an obstruction in my life, an acute reminder that it's time to get moving.

            I don't point out flaws in other people. Granted, I may think a critical thought in my head, but I'd never verbalize it purposely. That's negative, cruel and a waste of time! People who put down others make me sick!

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