
Do you endorse separate statehood for 300 million people living inhumanely in India?

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  1. I have never understood why we - Americans - think that we have the right or should be involved in determining how other countries are run.  There are certainly things that happen they we may not agree with or like but there are also forces and traditions that we don't understand.

    I feel that we have an obligation to stand by our friends and assist them in times of trouble but I don't believe we should judge them or try to tell them how to run their governments.

    Our experience in Iraq alone should tell us very clearly that we cannot ever make foreign countries follow in our footsteps. The people are different and they think and react different.

    We must learn to stay out of other nations business.

  2. No I don't. I think an alternative solution needs to be found before that option is ever looked at.

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