
Do you enjoy having your photograph taken?

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I grew up in a home where blowing your nose was occassion for having your photo taken, I do honestly think my mother could fill a garage with her photo albums, fortunately she now has a digital camera but to make matters worse I now have friends who feel the need to take endless group photos when visiting them, I am therefore extremely negative when it comes to photo taking and could easily strangle a person who comes within 20 metres of myself carrying a camera and muttering the phrase "it's all in the name of memories".....

Do you enjoy having your photo taken or taking photo's yourself of others and your family and how photogenic are you?




  1. depends on the day i guess. i'm not photogenic at all though.  think i look decent in person but horrible in photos lol. (:

  2. I'm not photogenic, but I like taking photos just as I like to be in 'em.

    I'd like to take photos like this:


  3. I hate it , im not photogenic at all...

    My mum also had the habit of taking photos of me in embarrasing situations...

    I now take quite alot of photos of my daughter...

  4. No, not really.  I do, however, understand WHY people want to take photos.  And it is also OK when not overdone like your mother seems to do. Spontaneous photos are better, but all posing for a pic make it difficult to put on a friendly face. I don´t know why.

    And then there are these folks who love taking millions of photots, and one has to look through ALL of them, when a small selection would also have done it.

    Photography should be an art, and part of that art is to be able to sift thru the hundreds to present only the 5 or so really good interesting ones.

    After my camera and our video camera plus ALL the tapes were stolen in SA, I seem to have lost the need to constantly take photos.  I have now been given a digital camera, but there is no joy in it, yet. I haven´t even charged the batteries.

  5. I don't mind my photo being taken as long as it looks However, I hate school photo's - they always make you look bad!!

    Although I must say I do love taking photo's of nature and try to take my camera everywhere. It's good practise for when I come to do my photography courses.

  6. Absolutely not, I loathe getting my picture taken.  I remember at school many moons ago, when they were taking our photographic portraits, I kept getting a nervous twitch, and the guy wouldnt take my pic til it stopped.  It drove me insane lol.  

    From now on, only my evil twin brother (who has a goatee by the way), shall pose for official portraits.

  7. A photo now and than  I am OK with that. Click, click ,click no thank you. I love traveling and I do have a digital camera but I don't have the habit of just clicking .I have tons of memories but very few pictures to back them up.

    I have met  a few famous people but I do not have pictures with them.

    Photogenic I can give myself 6.5 out of 10.

  8. I think I can relate to ur Mom/friends, photos are never enough and it takes a couple to get that perfect shot..

    I think i photograph alrite...

  9. Be honest Bull, you must like some old pictures, group photos with your friends in Varsity, maybe your first car, family holidays...

    I love taking pictures "in the name of memories". I have almost 50 albums with printed photo's and double that in digital format.

    luckily I'm camera shy (I have a face for radio) therefore i'm not featuring a lot, but I love taking pictures.

  10. I dont particularly enjoy photos being taken of me but I have filled many albums of my five month old daughter. I take pics of her every day. I suppose i will be that annoying parent

  11. I absolutely hate having my photo taken. When we do our annual X-mas photo we have to take about 20 pics just to get 1 that I look okay. I always seem to have my eyes half closed and therefore look like a total moron.

    Here, everybody wants to take pics of my kids. They both are blond and blue eyed which drives these people crazy. My kids hate it. They always hide behind us. Now I know how the movie stars feel with the paparazzi. Just last week when my daughter was in hospital this lady came up to take her pic and she threw up over this women. It was one of the happiest days of my life.

    On the other hand I love taking photos. But not group photos. I like the more natural "don't know that somebody is taking you photo" look.

  12. I would rather take the photo's than me being photographed. I am not very photogenic I heard that from one of my boyfriends that was a photography student. (I was not very happy about that at all). Have the same problem as you with your mother, my husband loves photo's and taking photo's, always when I look at my worst, or my mouth is full, or I am sleeping with my mouth open......

  13. I have to say yes, as I am one of those people that carry my digita around in case of an "occassion". I think its a way of bottling experiences.

    I would like my kids to look at it one day, as my mom only has 2 photos of when she was younger

  14. I used to, but now that I am a celebrity and everyone wants my photos for there smeer campaigns - No!

  15. i dont like it. i think i look bad in pictures. sometimes i get lucky

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