
Do you enjoy hunting with your friends?

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A group of Alabama friends went deer hunting and paired off in twos for the day. That night, one of the hunters returned alone, staggering under the weight of an eight-point buck 'Where's Henry?' the others asked.

'Henry had a stroke of some kind He's a couple of miles back up the trail,' the successful hunter replied.'

You left Henry laying out there and carried the deer back?' they inquired.

'A tough call,' nodded the hunter.

'But I figured no one is going to steal Henry.

What do you think now?




  1. as long as I hold the gun

  2. No I do not enjoy hunting.

    I am a vegeterian.I do not have any hunting friends.

    I prefer the hunters to see me as "the enemy".

    I respect all forms of life.

    I do not like jokes having as the main subject the words "kill"or "shoot".

    That's how I feel.

    Bye bye


    I have never thought that the Jews can eat bear meat.

    Thank you for the info.

  3. no

  4. Hunting?

    What are you talking about?

    I read your question as:" Do you enjoy killing other living creatures?"

    No Mr Preacher, I do not.

  5. No,

    Sorry againnst my religion.

  6. Nice one! :)

    LOL @ Shay for his also.

    Your question reminded me of a bumper sticker I saw the other day which read:


    The car had several army-related stickers as well, so you can bet he seriously belongs to that club! I guess you could call that "hunting with your friends", right?

    Personally, I'm not a fan of hunting, and I sure the h**l wouldn't go hunting with our vice-president, though I've a sneaking suspicion you would feel honored to do so! hehehhe

    Have a nice day!!!  

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