
Do you enjoy living alone? Or would you enjoy living alone?

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If you live alone, do you have pets to keep you company? I've been alone for a few years now and find that I'm liking it. I have two dogs and a cat to keep me company.




  1. I am single and enjoy living alone.  When I have visitors I often miss the company of myself.  I do not have pets but I have a garden to maintain and a home to decorate.  I enjoy exotic travel, reading, cooking and writing on Ask Yahoo.  In particular helping out with homework.

  2. I live alone. Sometimes it's a little lonely, but I have friends and family close by to keep me occupied. I didn't have children and no pets either. I don't want to be responsible for anyone or anything except for myself.

  3. I do live alone so to speak. My daughter is staying with me for now until she can get her own travel trailer hooked up. Then of course my parents live about 40' or so from my travel trailer. I do have my pets (2 dogs and a few cats), but I do enjoy living alone. I go to bed, to town when I want to and can eat what I want to and when I want to. I am not going to say that I don't ever get lonely, cause I do once in awhile. But when that happens I just get busy doing something. At least now that I am living alone, I don't have to worry if I am being cheated on again any more.  

  4. I would love to live in a isolated cabin in the mountains all alone

  5. Yes I do. At first I didn't like it but after I got used to I found I enjoyed  it.

  6. I was on my own for 2 years after my marriage ended. I quite liked it. But I needed peace and quiet then. My Rox was on her own for a lot longer and she still has her own home as she likes to be on her own at times. I hate it when she goes off. But it's part of who she is.

  7. Well, I would miss hubby and our talks sitting out in the sun room drinking coffee. He goes on trips for a week or so and I admit I enjoy my own company at that time. The thing is, it may be a long time for me to live alone as we have our 9 year old grandson living with us.  He will be going off to college in 9 more years. But I might like living alone.  Poppy

  8. I do live alone, sorta, my son stays here a few days a week and I do have a dog.... Not only do I enjoy it, I prefer it.

  9. yes i live alone -- not any pets that depend on my on a daily basis!!!

  10. I am SO HAPPY that I live alone.  No one to answer to.  No one to consider but myself and my own needs.  Well, yes, it's selfish, but I'm not depriving anyone of anything, which is why I am SO HAPPY to live alone.  

  11. I lost my partner and have been alone 7 years.  I am glad I can afford to not have to share with a stranger.  I am in one room in HUD housing,

    The good parts are that I can spend the little money I have all my way.  I have a small dog and I really love her.  And, I am glad I can control my door and do not have to entertain people I dont want in my home.

  12. I have lived alone since my husband passed away (much too young) ten years ago. It was a bit troubling the first year, but I gradually got used to it and now I absolutely love it. I do what I want, when I want, or not. I stay up late, play the piano at all hours, cook or not, spend a lot of time with friends and family or just goofing off. I have some nice male friends to dine with or spend a day with hiking or whatever. They aren't exactly arm charms, but men I've known for a long time and we respect each other. Single life fits me perfectly, and no I don't have any pets. I don't want the responsibility.  

  13. I've never lived alone.  I've spent my life taking care of others. As much as I love my family I long for the day when I can have my own life.

  14. I don't live alone and the kids are virtually gone. However, I don't think I'd like it. With health concerns for my wife, I don't know what I will do if I end up alone.

    I have thought about it but I don't see me ever getting married again and I am not a "Hunk" or a " catch" anyway so finding someone  would be tough. Then I think that time goes by so quickly, it wouldn't be all that long before I'd see my wife again anyway.

    We have a wiener dog and he'd be ok company and there's always something I could do for either of the kids so I think I'd keep busy.

  15. I've been living alone for the last 22 years and I love  it.  I had a cat, but she died 8 years ago.  I really like living alone - no one to answer to; I can do what I want when I want.  I have friends, so I go out and/or travel with them.  It's all good.

  16. I am 16, so I dont live alone. And I dont think that I would enjoy it. Yes, I like being home alone once in a while, but to live alone? It'd be so boring! You can have all the pets in the world, but they don't talk back. I think I might go crazy. TV would be your second best friend (to the twelve cats and nine dogs you own), and work would be your only activity. It's so boring!!!! No, I dont think I'd want to be alone.....but I'm glad that you like it. I do enjoy my alone time, but that much? No. And plus, I'm a scaredy cat and I'd jump at every noise lol. lol.  

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