
Do you enjoy living in Mexico City? Why or why not?

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I will be moving there in 1 year. In Northern Mexico City, near the Basilica de Guadalupe. The neighborhood is safe, but there is a town nearby that is dangerous. Just wondering how is it living there. I think I would really like it because I've visited Mexico and like the culture and people. I know Mexico City is different, but I still think I would like it quite a bit. I am from Hawaii.




  1. If you've lived there all  your life then you'll love it. But if you haven't then I'm not sure if you'll like it. Visit for a few days before you move so you can see how it is.

  2. i love it!! the bad things are the traffic, pollution and of couse the crimes

    but its such a fun city!!! theres allways something to do and great night life!! just stay away from bad neighborhoods.

  3. I was born and raised there i am 28 years old now...i moved to Canada a year and a half ago and i miss my city a lot...the bad side is too many people and traffic but everything else is nice especially the food and the culture now i live in Calgary and i prefer way more Mexico City lol

  4. You will love it because everyone is really friendly and there is always something to do there try to tavel around Mexico Puerto Vallarta is awsome!

  5. No, there too many shootings.

  6. its an exciting place theres all te name brand stores and the piramids etc

  7. Sadly I can't say what it's like living in the area called Lindavista. I only went there once in my life to visit the Basilica during a field trip for school and didn't get to see much. The good thing that you might benefit from is that in a few more months they will open a special high speed train from northern Mexico City to the subway station in Lindavista. That way, you may be able to avoid traffic which will be a plus for you.

    I live in the north of the city as well, but farther more to the west in Naucalpan. It has some bad things (no subway lines, no artsy movies in local cinema and there's more Starbucks than I'd like), but there's a lot of up sides. The local government this week has just introduced new garbage trucks so now we're going to have to show the rest of the city how civilized we are and start separating organic and inorganic trash, there's no more excuses now not to. There's an annual tree planting program during this time of year where you can plant trees in different parts of the municipio for free during the weekend. It's very fun, I wonder if other municipios with forest areas do the same (probaby not).

    Have you visited Mexico City before? The culture living shock might be less if you know what the city is like (even if the only thing you did was visit the Zocalo as a tourist).

    I haven't experienced living in other regions of Mexico yet, but I do know that the city has a bad image of having a lot of crime and chilangos are more rude. I can agree that drivers here are jerks, but the people as such are rather polite for a big city in my experience. As for crime, avoid walking in dark alleys alone at night, don't flash a ton of cash everywhere on the street and know beforehand about pickpockets. Pickpockets love to snatch your cellphone while you travel by metro.

    I think it's a nice city to live in despite it's bad things (getting stuck in an overpacked bus in a flooded street is sure one of the bad things of living here), but you get great cable tv and the food is great. I just tried out this new street taco stand two days ago and loved the food. Who would have thought that a meatball n' red rice taco would taste so good? You're going to become addicted to street joint food hehehe.

    However, I don't plan on living here forever. I don't hate living here, but I've lived here more than half of my life and would like to try life in a different place. When I do my social service to finish my university career, I'm going to choose anywhere in Mexico as far away as possible from Mexico City for a change.

    As for you, good luck and have a nice time. Bring ice skates too if you can, they recently opened an ice rink rather close to Lindavista. Recreational ice skating is starting to get popular over here.

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