
Do you enjoy observing babies?

by Guest58684  |  earlier

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by C.S. Scotkin

Emmy sat up today

eyes gleaming

with pleasure,

mastering Gravity

with such small muscles.

Pleasure! Capturing

mysterious feet

taming them

with her mouth,

savors flavor,

body awareness.

In a looking glass

my reflection familiar,

she looks again

recognizes her self

watches in wonder,

pulls off my glasses.

She listens intently,

adult’s conversation

interjects observations

solemn babbling

filled with her truth.

My granddaughter just turned 6 months old.




  1. Wow ! I love babies.. always have always will

    grew up with one on my hip before I was 10

    I can tell you love that child well, She is lucky to have you close by to share in her milestones. I had to send my mum photographs I took 2 a week when My Jenn was a baby. 3,000 miles from home........

  2. Yes, I've been known to watch how a child plays and such and cry realizing what such a cruel world they have to grow up in. Children are so precious.

  3. nice! so true

    i have kids 5, 2, & one 8 months

  4. Absolutely! It's hard to believe, but all four of our grandchildren took their first steps while at our house. And they never lived here. Congratulations by the way! peace

  5. I liked your poem, I like the birth moment of all living things. The only babies these days I want to enjoy are those made by other people, and only in short bursts of time.

  6. Minutes before reading this, I just got the call that our 6 month old granddaughter mastered her first crawl!

    Yes, I'm so with you on the sentiment of this poem,

    especially loved the last two lines.


  7. You'll have a whole book on child development.  I think it would be great fun.  Keep up the poems ♥

  8. When my oldest son was born , I eagerly recorded each move he made in a baby book. I was a manic journalist reporting every move,  capturing pictures of toothless grins. There's something about that toothless smile that makes my heart skip a beat. Yup, I've got to admit I'm a sucker for babies :  )

  9. No - not really.  I'm glad that you do though.

  10. Yes, babies are perfect! As is this poem. I have two sons ages 3 and 4, and I remember this milestone well for each of them.

  11. Nice to watch babies....

    Nice to make them too.

  12. Love the poem and love babies. I just love to watch an inquisitive baby as they look around at the most simple things. I watched an 8 month old baby for a few months to help out a young mom and I adored this Little girl. We walked often and she would watch every leaf and every tree that she saw. She savored everything good in her world and looked at it all with wonder. Love those babies!

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