
Do you enjoy taking photographs? of what?

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Do you enjoy taking photographs? of what?




  1. I love taking photographs, and capturing life moments on film, or a digital sensor as i should say. I love going out in the meadows and photographing bugs on the flowers and grass, so relaxing, and that picture can be with you forever, for everyone in the generation to see and learn from. I like to take photographs of anything that can be photographed! i can't categorize, to broad of a spectrum.

  2. You probably don't remember the good old polaroids that developed in an instant. I had so much fun with those. I actually went to the beach in Fort Myers at Bonita Beach before a hurricane and sat there and took the best pictures of my life..Nature at its best....

  3. Photography is one of my favorite hobbies.  I like to photo shoot big things, things that would make you go "WOW".  

    Structures, cranes, big machines, airplanes, boats, cruise ships, bridges, you know the bigs stuff.  I also love photoshooting when I'm on a plane, I've taken some really good shots of the ground from the plane that I've actually submitted to  

  4. I love taking photographs, being able to capture something so beautiful and knowing that you did, is just an amazing feeling.  I love to take photos of trees in the fall and winter, I love to take photos of things that I like, things that are inspirational to me.  It just kind of happens when you are walking and you have your camera.

  5. I used to take a lot of various things that bring back memories.

  6. Oh yea, it is one of my favorite hobbies. I love to take pictures of me and my friends. And usually, anything like nature.

  7. Love taking photographs!  of nature but most of ALL MY CHILDREN.

  8. Yes. I enjoy taking photographs! I take pictures every day of people, flowers, birds, cats, trees, landscape, buildings....anything that catches my eye. Later if I find a particularly beautiful shot I will paint it.

    Photography helps me to appreciate the beauty in the world. A photograph can capture a moment and keep it with us forever.

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