
Do you enjoy taking photographs? what of?

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Do you enjoy taking photographs? what of?




  1. I love taking pictures.  What of?  Pretty much of what people ask..that is a challenge instead of me taking picures of the people I already like :)

  2. I love Photography, its a hobbie of mine =)

    I am only a beginner mind, I enjoy taking photos of unusual clouds, sunsets, flowers and landscapes.


  3. I do enjoy taking pictures. I usually take pictures of people just to have memories, but my favorite are children; they are just so natural, they look good without posing, just being themselves. I also like to take pictures of trees during the different seasons. Pretty fun stuff.

  4. I rather enjoy taking pictures of Landscapes.

  5. I wouldn't have a darkroom in my place if I didn't love taking pictures.  

    What do I take pictures of?  Well, for the most part I currently seem to have a huge fascination with dilapidation, be it concrete wearing away, telephone poles leaning, rust, closed businesses...  This is outside of my good ol' standby thematic elements of nature vs. technology and discarded/abandoned items.

  6. I'm a professional portrait photographer, but when I go out and take pictures for fun I usually end up photographing people! Sure, I catch other things, but I guess people are my favorite.

  7. Yeppers, I like taking pictures of The Sky  

  8. I like taking all sorts of photographs. However, personally, i like to shoot wildlife more, because it's more spontaneous and risky ( because your subjects can run away, or fly ). You can't ask them to do things, because they are wild, and won't listen, nor do they understand you

  9. People landscapes, anything that has a good memory to it.

  10. Enjoy it loads. I mainly like to do candids of people with telephoto lenses. Also like to do macros (of plants and flowers in particular). Unfortunately I mostly do landscapes and architecture. Soon I will merely "shoot what I want" or curl up and die.

  11. Children's emotions. That's my favorite. Also I enjoy taking pictures from a different angle of everything. My favorite might just by my dog's eye view portfolio I did, and then I selected one part of every picture to stay in color (photography teachers idea) I thought it was cool.

  12. I enjoy taken photos of Nature. I would like to do people, but I don't feel at ease.

  13. I keep the camera with me and take pictures of everything.  Thanks to digital cameras, it costs nothing to do this.  I like to photograph people and my pets more than anything else.  Weddings, plays...  I'm the photographer.

  14. i am a professional photographer. i take pictures of mountains rivers sky sunsets you name it anything that can sell.  

  15. I love photography. It's so nice to have a hobby again. I'm a stay-at-home Mom to 3 daughters and it's been a long time since I've done something for myself. Here's my photoblog: http://saraspildenerphotography.blogspot...

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