
Do you enjoy the silence?

by  |  earlier

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it's so quiet all around me.I can hear the sea roaring and its waves lashing against the cliff.there is complete silence around and I love it. a very soft song is played by a female accompanied on the piano.the silence makes you more introverted,I think.don't you.....




  1. Peace be upon you. I do.

  2. Yeah i have my moments where i just want to lay back, watch the sunset, the view from the mountains, or just laying on the grass watching the stars. I enjoy the chances i get. Its fun to enjoy silence with someone, atleast i think so.

  3. Yes, I enjoy silence whenever possible. No music, no singing, no talking, no sounds of nature.


  4. its not silence but isolation that makes u introvert

    in some cases isolation is accompanied by silence.....

    u see what i mean

    and i love that peaceful discription

  5. Sometimes not everytime

  6. be quiet

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