
Do you enjoy watching lightning storms while standing in large open spaces?

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Do you enjoy watching lightning storms while standing in large open spaces?




  1. I deeply enjoy it, and I suppose that´s because you can not only understand, but embrace the power of nature then. That´s why I sometimes call myself a tempestarius (in analogy to sellarius, a person who, ehem, liked sexual activities in an armchair in ancient Rome ;) )

  2. We used to run around in an open field with metal baseball bats when I was a kid and we were playing baseball and got caught in a storm!

  3. I love watching lightning storms, though I prefer to be standing in a safe, covered area :)

    EDIT: LOL, I have to laugh at the bitter perverse little person who gave a thumbs down for a simple answer about liking thunderstorms! And yes, it's obvious who you are :)

  4. I like watching them under large trees, holding a golf club above my head. It electrifies the body and soul.

  5. Nope. I prefer to watch them from small metal buildings with several communication antenna (radio, CB, shortwave, etc) on top  ;)

  6. Yes - but from the cover of a car.

    Most have a lot of bad weather around them - and we  were once showered with hailstones the size of golfballs. Several cars in the area got windows smashed, so I'm glad we had some cover.

  7. Absolutely and positively.  Good thing I live in Kansas, right?

    EDIT: Who gave me a thumbs down?  Sheesh, there's just no pleasing some people.

  8. I sit in my upstairs balcony and watch.  I almost got hit by lightning as a kid and don't want that to happen again, it's hard on the ears and nerves.

  9. My house sits  on top of a hill that gives me about 12 miles

    of view to the east.

    Though most storms come from the west, after it passes

    over the house it looks awesome over the lake!

    So yes definitely!

  10. i love watching lightening...i have a property that runs right to the edge of the mountain...where i can see right down to the sea and across the city, ill sit there watching as it makes its way across all the suburbs, and slowly heads my way...but when it starts to get to close, i have to go inside, and watch it from out the windows...thunder sounds so different when you are up high with almost sounds like its on the ground, as im high up.....i bought another property right on the beach, just recently, so i can sit on the balcony and watch them over the ocean but there hasnt been any yet...there was a water spout just off the shore but i missed it, i was devastated but i would never stand out in the open, no way, always near my house, just in case, i get paranoid enough with lightening hitting my home, let alone myself, and i worry about the horses getting hit as well, cause they like to stand under the if i can help it ill put them away in the stables......proberly the main reason i had them built  lol

  11. Not in large open spaces.  I prefer to be indoors, safe and dry.

  12. Absolutely.  We used to watch from our boat, in the middle of the lake if we got caught out.

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