
Do you enjoy watching race horses being killed at the Kentucky Derby? As long as people make money betting?

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Why are people so greedy? Horse racing and betting make so much money in this country they ignore how many horses are being killed. When are people going to start caring for these poor innocent horses being exploited?

Why wont PETA step in and finally shut down horse racing? In almost every race horses have to be killed after they break their leg or get minor injuries. Someone needs to finally step in and shut down this awful sport so no more horses have to be killed for no reason at all. Look at Barbaro and Eight Belles. They dont even tell you about the thousands of other horses out there that are also being killed in this evil sport.




  1. I won't even reply to any more of these.

    You're being an ***hole. This isn't a sport of greed. This is about horses and how they love to run. This is about what horses do, not what people make them (read: not much, compared to what they get in return).

    I hope all of you people shape up and show respect to the people who lost Eight Belles today. They're exponentially more upset than you.

  2. Hi all,

    It is a tragedy that horses have to die, but with the leg injuries it is inevitable.  

    You all are making it sound like Mike Vick set the whole thing up for amusement.  I am not saying that I agree with all of the horse racing thing, but there are people that put a lot of care into these animals and they want to see them run well.

    The Kentucky Derby is the Olympics for these horses and it is where they get to show off their craft and skill.

    I hate that they die, that part is not right, but it is no reason for us to shut down a practice that in general hurts a lot less people/horses than it hurts.

  3. to horseofcourse1 have you ever watched a horse being slaughtered for horse meat, where do you think the TBS go that don't make it.  watch this video if you dare.

  4. I don't like horse racing either.

    But as a member of PETA, I can say we can't stop it. We can try to convince them to stop, but it's completely up to them. We can only hope they stop.

  5. After I viewed eight belles bing Euthenized, and seeing the fiasco that Barbaro endured I will not view horse racing again. enough is enough for me it is over. God bless all the innocent horses.

  6. PETA is just a front for another leftist liberal extremist group that picks and chooses their "animal causes" based upon what newsflashes run by them on any given day.  If the horse at the Kentucky Derby did not get euthanized on the track, PETA would have shut their mouths and butt into the next animal related newsworthy item.

    Anyway, my experience with observing PETA "members for hire" during demonstrations and protests in San Francisco is basically when they used to throw either animal blood or red paint at women in SF's Union Square shopping district that wear leather or fur.  By spilling animal blood that they purchase from butchers or Asian markets, or staining the fur of animal hides, are they not desecrating the spirit of that animal?

    They're backwards in thinking and basically the same people that are disturbing the Olympic Flame as it makes it's way around the world.  Just a bunch of liberal scum.

  7. I agree. What a stupid sport people choose to watch. If it were a human being killed, people would have a distinct problem. Since it's an animal, people look at it as being part of the sport. I agree with the thousands that are being killed and not reported. This should be shut down. Anyone who supports horse racing and dog racing, should be dealt with same things that those horses and dogs go through.

    Edit: Horses may love to run, but the abuse that they go through in order to compete at these races is horrible. I feel no sympathy for the family that lost this horse. If it were treated correctly, it would be running around an open field right now, not dead. You're the true morons that support this sport.

  8. i think its a bad omen without being specific but maybe something bad will happen, and its a sign,

  9. I hate watching it.  I hate living in a place (I live in Louisville) where people spend the entire month getting ready for it  Our city makes an effload of money because of the Derby.  I went to the Oaks yesterday and felt guilty.  I went to the Derby last year, and felt guilty.  I will never go again.  I will never watch it again.

  10. Well true this sport does have its down falls, just like any other sport.  Its sad really when a champoin like eight bells or baraboro (sp?) has to be put down because of a life threatening condition. But one thing to keep in mind is, these horses are taken care to the max. Anyone who has race horses aren't just goin to take care of them like any normal horse, but will put as much effort into taking care of the horse as they can. Did u see any skinny horses on the track? Any with any kind of illness? I didn't, but then u would say, "But what about the horse who shattered her front ankles?" Eight Bells, if i were in her shoes, wouldn't want it any other way but racing on the track. Its what she is bred for and trained for and on top of it, she is a horse, and asking a horse not to run is asking them not to live at all. I wish Eight Bells could have gone a different way, but destiny has a funny way of working out, even if it is very tradgic...

    Well if you think the sport should be closed down, why dont u step in and do it yourself?

  11. I agree with most of what you said. Horse racing is so that speed, it is no wonder that they break their legs! There is so much pressure on those skinny legs, they are bound to get injured. Horse racing is an unnecessary evil...sure it is part of our history and it is tradition and it CAN be fun to watch, but i would give it up to save those beautiful young lives!  I think they should get rid of horse racing, either that or race draft horses instead of fragile thoroughbreds. That would be a race wouldn't it?

  12. Did you realize that horse and chariot racing began around 1500 B.C.?   Did you also realize that for centuries and generations that horses were carefully selected for their bloodlines and racing ability?  Have YOU ever owned a Thoroughbred racehorse?  Ever been to a breeding or training farm?  Ever see the expert care they receive from their grooms on a daily basis?  Ever realize that a veterinarian is on call 24/7?  

    How many horses do you think have raced in the Kentucky Derby and other horse races that HAVE NOT been injured?  Be realistic - high profile races will receive high profile media coverage.  Yes, it is very sad to see great horses like Barbaro and Eight Belles have to be put down - but realize too that it is very difficult for horses legs to heal from a major (not minor) break, from freak accidents.  Horses can break their legs running in pastures too - but you don't read about that, right?  Did you know that there are many retirement homes for retired Thoroughbred racehorses?  Before you go running off at the mouth - do a little research on the subject.

    Additional info:

    Though horse racing has had a number of high-profile breakdowns in recent years, the Kentucky Derby had not been plagued by serious accidents or injuries over the last few decades. Check it out. There has been 134 Kentucky Derby runnings.  Tell me how many horses have ran in those races since the late 1800's on that track that HAVEN'T broken down.  

    There will be injuries in any kind of competitive sport - whether it be Horse racing, Dog racing, Football, Soccer, Baseball, Jai Alai, etc.  You will see drugs, cheating, it's all there, but that doesn't mean that everyone participates.  Should we outlaw ALL sports because of this?

  13. No I do not enjoy this.  What is happening?  Are they breeding these horses to such an extent that they are physically not able to handle the racing?  I cannot watch this anymore....

    I keep thinking .....Eight Belles was alive this morning and at only 3 years of age had a full life ahead of her.

    Oh ,where ever there is money to be will be real hard to stop.  I hate to sound Bible-thumpy but the love of money does seem to be the root of Most evils.....think about it.

    Poor baby...

  14. I agree. The owners don't care, as long as they are making money. Simple and short.

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