
Do you environmentalists think about other planets?

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How dare you keep your own species from developing and reproducing, Humanity should go forward, we should take all the earth offers us in her great wisdom,

The earth is here for us to use, to grow to develop, humanity must become more advanced we shouldn't purposfully cap our development, all men and countries should be allowed to move forward

Were not even passed the embryonic state as a species if people didn't purposfully keep us from advancing out of care for the using the planets resources we would be able to advance far enough to go to the stars, to colonize planets

someday we will colonize other planets and bring life to them, Humanity is not a virus, we could be the keepers of the sacred flame of intelligence in the whole galaxy, we need to use the planets resources so we can move forward faster and spread humanity and life to other planets,

beacuse were the only ones who can do it.




  1. How dare I, hmnn?  I'll turn the other cheek on that one.  Really.

    I have a framed poster on my wall titled, "Other Worlds: Works by the new generation of astronomical artists."  So to answer your title question, yeah, it's faded and should be replaced, but I think about other worlds, and have for a long time.

    I vehemently disagree with your assertion that the earth is "here for us to use."  Excuse me, but last I looked, we were one of millions of species.  A little cheeky to think that we have title on the place, must less license to plunder and steal.

    But if you look past the end of your nose, you'll see that environmentalists are firmly in your camp: I for one recognize that by caring for the Earth we have, we leave it in better shape for future generations.  I had 2 kids, now grown, and there's a grandson in the picture, so I have a vested interest in trying to ensure that we take care of the planet.

    As to being keepers of the "sacred flame of intelligence," there's a whole lot that goes on every day that says otherwise.  We're an intelligent species and our own worst enemy.

  2. We have a great ability to affect the planet on which we live - an ability that no other creature has.  We can choose what we want this planet to be like and what life will be like for people.  Many of us believe the most pleasant life will always be one of clean air, clean water, and an abundance and diversity of other life to appreciate and enjoy.  We not only decide whether our kind will continue to live, we can decide on the quality of life that we and our descendants will enjoy.  I do not believe living in squalor, or in economic disaster brought by short-term planning should be the goal.  The goal should be long-term health and abundance.  For that we must work cooperatively.  We should strive for ongoing greatness, not just gobble the earth's abundance in one generation.

  3. Exactly!  Man is a very special creature that has evolved far beyond other life.  Funny that those who believe in evolution are the same ones who curse it and wish it never happened.

    There's an entire movement to make the human species extinct.  What other creature would purposely strive for extinction?   Clearly some genes need to be eliminated.

  4. i understand that we have a right to keep developing, but ppl arent paying attention to the fact that some of what they r doing is very damaging to our enviorment and if we dont at least try to fix it, we wont be able to develop b/c we'll probably be dead.

    and as for colonizing other planets... well, theres obviously a REASON that there's no life there in the first place, so does it really seem like a smart idea to try and force life to grow there?

  5. I do not judge if we have passed the "embryonic state" as a species.  From my view, this is about as advanced as we have ever been, and there is scant evidence that any others are *more* advanced,

    and actually

    unlimited growth *is* the philosophy of a virus.

  6. How can you say it is here for us to use when the Earth every year in its self-defense kills millions with things such as fires and tsunomies. :-P

  7. A big problem is that many many people don't realize that we humans are a very special species.  They think we are just animals equal to the slug.  Perhaps we should just sit in the trees throwing our f***s at each other.  <sarc>

  8. Yes, I've given it a great deal of thought.

    If we don't learn to solve the problems we already have, when we go to the other planets we'll just **** them up too.  

    That's why all current space activity other than basic research and satellite based terrestrial research is a complete waste.  

    We have too many irons in the fire already.


    Egad man, do you realize what you are saying?  Our role is to eat planets from the inside out, leave a smoking ruin and move on to the next planet?  And when we are done with our galaxy we move on to the next?

    Lets move a little forward, shall we?  We are only 200,000 years old, hominids less than 2 million.  By the time we colonize the galaxy, we will be a different species!

    Ah, are you another one of Jello's alter egos?

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