
Do you even care about the olympics?

by  |  earlier

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if you do or dont, why?




  1. yes

  2. yeah... why not

  3. Nope.

    I don't give a rat's AZZ about the Olympics ... or the Miss America Pageant ... or the Emmy Awards ... or any other stupid c**p like that.

  4. Sure do. I'd like to see how my country's athletes compete.  

  5. I don't really care who wins or loses but sometimes it can be fun to watch.

  6. Yes I enjoy watching our country compete and suceed. It proves hard work pays off.

  7. I love the Olympics - especially the summer ones. I like the swimming and the gymnastics the best  

  8. on some events yes on others no y? cuz the ones i like r sports ive played but if i nevr played the sport i dont like it sounds kinda weird but its me

  9. Not the summer ones couldn't care less. Winter Olympics with Hockey I care, I grew up watching it everything else bores me to death.

  10. no dont like sports &  im a guy how played ever sport in school

  11. Not  really, I would rather be active myself then sit on the couch watching.My husband watchs all day long so I will sit for a short while if something looks interesting.

    I seem to like the winter one better though swimming is fun to watch for a short bit.

    My father was a figure skater and very good at it. He skated alot before he was drafted into WW11.

    He was around 19 when Sonya Henning, the Olympic Gold Medalist who also did allot of skating film in Hollywood in the late 30's, saw him.

    She asked him to perform with her at Madison Square Garden, NY because her skating partner was sick. He did it and it was the high-lite of his life.

    He didn't skate much after the war years but once in awhile he would show off in our neighborhood in Conn. we used to have a crowd of at least 50 people in our backyard watching him do his thing once a year. He was a natural born show off.

  12. No i dont and infact if anything it annoys me.

    Did you know that over 1 billion dollars was spent on the fireworks for the opening ceremony alone!?

    Thats enough money to fund a small countries economic system.

    We've lost all sense of priority.

    The Olympics is just one big WAank-A-Thon

  13. I used to watch some of the events years ago, but not any more.

    I think it became unimportant to me when I stopped measuring myself against others and started measuring myself against myself.

  14. I don't care. I like playing sports but not watching them on TV :D

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