
Do you ever ask your mirror if you are the most beautiful woman in the world ?

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If the mirror ever answered you back .. please tell me what it said .




  1. Yes, I've asked that before...and the mirror broke. =(

  2. I am male

    BUT...I see my self even better without the mirror.



  3. Ummmm...I don't have a magic mirror.  But the one that I have at home is pretty much in love with me and tells me without asking that there's none but YOU!  Such flattery goes easily to my head and I strut about prettily!

    Aha!  Such Sweet Delusions!!!

  4. that very strange are you ok


  5. never ..but if that is true, of course the mirror will say "yes" because I'm the only one use it  ;)

  6. My mirror would say, "NO, stupid!"

    Probably because I'm male.

  7. Lol I burst out laughing at that guys answer. My mirror would say why yes!

  8. Sure... and my mirror laughs me right out of the bathroom. Yea I got a talking mirror... the last time I asked my mirror it replied  "Get a s*x change or shutup."

  9. When I was about 6 years old and pretending I was Snow White (just seen the movie). Only the mirror never answered me back-- so I then had to "pretend" to play Snow White, the evil Queen AND the talking mirror. It was exhausting so I gave up! haha

  10. I don't need to ask my mirror.  I already know it :-)  But, of course, beauty is relative...

  11. I cannot say that I do, but I often find myself asking it to bring me the fairest one of all.

  12. No - cos I'm a bloke!

  13. Nope, never.

  14. Yeah, actually, I surpassed the mirror; I asked this bright, talking, box who the most beautiful woman was and all I got was the picture of this young supermodel with a crown that everyone called Miss Universe....

    No, I'm kidding. I believe we are all beautiful in our own way, there is no such thing as "The most beautiful woman in the world"

  15. No. Because I am a guy.

    But I did ask where is the most  beautiful woman in the world ?

    The mirror told me that she is hiding from ugly guy like me.

  16. No. I'm a male. I'd be afraid to ask in case it answered 'Yes" Then I'd have to shoot myself. LOL

  17. you seem to have schizophrenia.

  18. No but on my bad days I have told the mirror.....god you are so ugly....but that's  just when I was having a really bad day.

  19. God is being kind this morn, the sun is in its full glory, the demons abated and yes, I am once more in peace, in love, and in awe ...

    If you see God will you than him for his benevolence and the bestowing of this mercy ....

    Have a beautiful day ...

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