
Do you ever blow your nose loudly in public?

by  |  earlier

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My nose sounds like a foghorn when I blow it sometimes but I have to blow it because of my allergies. Is anyone else like this? Or, should I always go to the bathroom to do it? also does anyone else prefer to use handkerchief?




  1. i dont, and i absolutely hate the sound!!! but if it's allergies or really need to blow your nose no one should say you have to go somewhere else. i dont think its considered improper or anything, least i havent heard that, but ill bet people certainly dont enjoy it  

  2. i do

    and handkercheifs are annoying in my opinion

  3. Oh h**l no!!! i could never do that i would be mortified lol

  4. Yes, I always blow my nose in public.

    And no, I'd rather have kleenex. Carrying around a snotty handkerchief is kinda gross.

    And if you want to be polite, you should go to the bathroom.


  5. i always go to the bathroom.

  6. Yes, I use a handkerchief too. If you need to blow your nose, you need to blow it. It's better than snorting and snuffling for ages.

  7. you can't help you have sucky allergies.

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