
Do you ever cheat during a round of golf?

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Do you ever cheat during a round of golf?




  1. One is not supposed to cheat but there are several instances in casual rounds where players" identify "the ball  which usually turns out to be a good "lie". When you cheat by claiming fewer strokes that those taken,, you put yourself in jeopardy.Others tend to inflate their handicaps so as to have an advantage over their opponent. I try my best on every shot taken so that the game I claim is a true measure of my ability,

  2. By doing so your only cheating yourself and if someone your playing is cheating ...ya already got em beat; without even haveing to call a penalty against em.

  3. This really depends on your definition of "cheat". And, no, I'm not playing with words.

    The USGA and the R&A have designed a set of rules that are the "standard" rules in golf, but the truth is that while they are excellent for defining a set standard to compare professional golfers, a lot of them would simply be too frustrating to amateur golfers (and golf courses).

    I mean, seriously, who actually goes back to the tee after discovering that their tee shot is lost? I even read an article where a USGA official (who declined to be named) said that on the weekend, "you drop a ball and play on." Is this cheating?

    No, it isn't, unless you're in competition and your competitors are counting on you to uphold certain rules.

    When I play with my friends on the weekend, we often come up with our own rules that we all agree to honor. 2 off the first tee. 1 mulligan per 9 holes. Inside the leather.

    The point is honesty and integrity, not blind allegiance to some rule book that most of us don't even fully understand. The rules are there to promote good sportsmanship, and if that can be achieved without those particular rules, then who cares?

    So, I have no qualms at all violating the standard USGA rules of golf. Of course, I don't carry an official Handicap Index, and I'm out there to have fun and get exercise (I walk).

    When I do play in a tournament (which are fun and give out turkeys and Pro Shop credit) at my club, I play by the book, though.

  4. No! but my cousin does and for it shes a *** hole!!!!!


  5. whats cheat? how?

  6. definately not! in golf if you cheat u are just cheating yourself and u dont know what ur really score can ctually be.

  7. I always cheat. That is how I get what I want. Problem with that, Tiger?

  8. Me personally, no.

    But the guy who gives me lessons, does this group class 2x a week and I help him out and one of the days, we send the kids out to play and its so funny cause I will just start riding around helping whoever needs it as they go through the course and I will stop and follow a group as they go through the hole... and one kid will have like 7 strokes and then at the end of the round, I will look at his score card he will write 4 or 5 and I will ask him and he will say "yeah the last 3 were just stupid mistakes so I didn't count them". Then I try to explain you can't do that... but they don't care.

    I guess its ok if you are playing with a group of buddys and you are all taking off a few strokes or not counting it if you wiff the ball, whatever.

    But I don't, I was raised to play serious and not cheat in the game. My uncle is on the PGA Tour, so I think if I was in his situtation, I couldn't take a stroke or two off... so I don't.

    Do you?

  9. Every golfer will be in a situation to cheat in almost every round of golf.  It is up to that person to make the correct decision.  Even if nobody would ever know, you always will.  I am a firm beleiver that is you do cheat, (improve lie, drop ball...) it will come back to haunt you.  I am also a firm believer that is you do not cheat, it will come back to help you many more times in life.

    To answer your question, no.

  10. Yes I do with one rule out of bounds. when I hit it out of bounds

    I still play it or drop it as a hazard penalty. Out of bounds has no merit and is no fair.

  11. Nope. Usually my close friends and I agree on our "special" rules before the round begins. Free drops for all LOL :-)

  12. No. Golf is a game of integrity and i asses all penalties necessary. If I can't hang with the score, I let captain morgan lead me in the right direction

  13. Most guys cheat because everyone in their foursome cheats, so it's considered allowable. They're mostly there for the camaraderie and always seem to bray about how well they scored while drinking a beer. If they had to play by the rules it would take an hour more to play a round of golf and then wouldn't have time to jaw about how well they scored. It's a vicious cycle but they love it.

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