
Do you ever come on Current Events as anonymous?

by  |  earlier

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if so do you see a difference in the number of thumbs up/ down you get?

Interesting isn't it?





  1. i hardly ever come and when i do its in my bubble ..

  2. No. One name and one account, I don't see the point in all that nonsense!

  3. Nope, and I'm there for all to see.

  4. no but I did post on the Suggs board a couple of hours ago as an anonymous user

    If I'd written what I did as Mrs GC no-one would have taken me seriously

    In fact I think one person  even said 'Finally, an anon that speaks sense.'


  5. No, I always have this name and and just one account. I agree with Andi C, just can't be bothered.

  6. No, we leave that up to ALICE B and FRANK D

    They have the corner on anonymous scams and spams

  7. no i haven't, very interesting thesis you have there. one has noticed that one does receive thumbs down for perfectly good answers on my other account, now i know why !. i is not liked.....sob  good job i got this account now too !

  8. What???

    You mean people thumb me down because they dont like me???????????????????

    *sob sob*

  9. Honest truth?

    i tried it once...just for fun's sake...couldn't keep it up for 2 terribly confused about whether Faith said this or my other account said. Gave it up pronto & promised to do it no more...i have Faith & this is my one account now!

    You do sound familar...!

    ; )

  10. Agree with Faith..I ain't clever enough! But I have, sad wench that I am, conducted a number of experiments but found I rapidly morphed back into me in about 2 hours.

    But it was very very interesting.

  11. Yes I do and I haven't noticed any difference.

    However, I have noticed that some people think the thumbs up/down facility is to vote for the popularity of the user, rather than agreeing or disagreeing with the answer!

  12. No, i really am a goose with a computer.

  13. never i always spit it out like it is with this name, i think i know who you are , will you tell me by e mail,

    I am curious so of course I want to know . why else would I ask or if you are uncomfortable by telling me , then thats ok , just say so.

    Thanks for the mail,

    and now you know you were wrong , I actually do like you , cheers, love shady xx

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