
Do you ever come to Y!A to?

by  |  earlier

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escape reality?? or temporarily run away from your problems??




  1. i like to help other people with their problems so i can frget about mine :)

  2. Yes, sometimes to avoid the pain and sometimes abit sadness.

  3. Yes I do.

  4. when i have nothing to do i comes to Y!A!!

  5. Yes, that was one of the main reason i came to YA answers and plus to find any advice/ solution, still looking for it...but Inshalllah as time has gone by, i am feeling much better.  

  6. no....

    just from boredom...

  7. Trying to make ramdan section a safe place by exposeing Trolls

  8. my life is awesome i have never looked at it that way.....

    - lots n lots of prayers for you sis!

  9. When work is slow and there is nothing else to do yeah:P

  10. salam 2all...

    sis how u feelin now???

    no i dont...

    reality!!! problems!!!  

    i run to Allah tala

    i read quran

    i pray my salah

    and i make lots of duaa...

    where im i goin to run too???

    all ways go to Allah tala

  11. When i have a question i come on and when i wanna help others out i come on but this is the only section i come on  

  12. trying to escape the hunger pains right now

  13. I don't have any problems in real life.

    I just come on here because I'm bored.


  14. Nope. Y!A is my temporary "I'm bored" resort but I do realize there are many many better things I could be doing so I never spend more than half an hour here.  Salaam sis and may all your problems be eased inshallah

  15. no

  16. no , i dont..

    always love and peace..

  17. Y!A is a good place to share knowledge. It can also be a distraction from everyday life, but it serves to show that others also have issues, problems, questions and difficulties. It is a means where we can be kind and helpful to others. Those of us who do not mock people, that is...

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