
Do you ever day dream of burning down your office? ?

by  |  earlier

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I HATE my boss he is a jerk we never get paid on pay day he always drops the checks off at the office from 7pm-11pm on Friday. Well hey I need my freakin check he may not but I do! Well, I've gotten to just accept that I will come in on Sat morn and get my check but I aked Monday and reminded him yesterday that I need my check b/c I'm going out of town and I need to pay rent and have gas money. Well, he is NOT going to have the checks ready AND I have to stay an hour late. I want to slap him in the face but I'm 7 months pregnant and I need my insurance or I would just walk away stupid jerk face!




  1. I had to chuckle when I saw your question...I  watched Office Space last night, again :)  Sorry about your boss.  Hopefully after you have the baby you can find a different job.  Good luck :)

  2. Lol..sometime I feel the same way. Why don't you try Direct Deposit? That way you don't have to come back to work on saturdays and pick it up. It will be in your bank account.  

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