
Do you ever do this subconsciously (click at the d**n computer!)?

by  |  earlier

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Haha, well sometimes I absently 'click' at my computer when it's slow...I do that to stuff that annoys me and I feel like a bit of a freak tbh...

My q is do u ever do horsey stuff without reslising in your everyday life? e.g. say 'Whoooaaa!' when you're in the car, or click at the computer...

I guess I just want to know I'm sane haha!

Make me laugh :)




  1. Tell my truck to 'whoa'

    Tell other traffic to 'whoa' or 'hup' word for lope

    click at dogs and cats

    Have clicked at my husband...he just laughs and still doesn't move

    Call 'treats' for hubby like ice cream or brownies...'numnum' word for grain

    Ask people why they are 'lame' if they are limping

    Ask pregnant friends when they are going to 'foal'

    Tried to lunge dogs...didn't work...and cats just fall down and lay there...*yes, I tried that too*

    Hold leashes like reins

    Riding piggy back on hubby...I try to direct with leg pressure

    *I'm glad to hear that Kevin!*

    Here's a bad one...shame on me...ladies will understand this one...

    When you're in the grocery store shopping, and some dang fool is 'driving' on the wrong side of the aisle.  I will stop and refuse to move aside...kinda like when I am blocking a cow.  I just stand my ground until they move.  Has been known to take a couple minutes before other person gets a clue that I'm not moving.  *Got that habit from working cows*

  2. i scroll up and down rapidly lol....

    i clucked a man at blockbuster the other day who was serving me (hot as h**l) and he turned around and said, i'm not your horse.....

  3. What in the world are you talking about?

  4. LOL yep, catch myself doing it to the kids once in a while.

  5. Yeah every time my computer starts running slow I start spurring it like I'm at the NFR. Ha

    Yes I catch myslef doing using horse ques for totaly non horse related activities. I just go with it, its me.

    Edit- BB is those things not normal?

    Well then add BB's list to mine......except the husband part. I'm a guy and happly strait.

  6. hehe! i allways say whoa! and i often click when horses are showjumping on TV! i allways click at my horse, so when i see one about to take off when jumping i allways click!! lolol

  7. ha ha yeah... I cluck to people when they aren't moving fast enough... I sometimes do it in the car too...

    Edit: 1,024 L. E. I sometimes do that!! or I will make sure I'm holding the reins... I mean the steering wheel correctly too

  8. haha... i do it all the time!!!!! whenever something is slow i kiss or cluck at it and if im watching showjumping or racing on tv i do it then too

  9. hahaha all these other answers are hilarious! i do most of the stuff that has already been mentioned too (clicking at dogs, people, cars, etc.). but i also ride my bike a lot and i talk to it like it's a horse. i say "whoa" if i'm going down a hill too fast or "get up" if i'm going up a hill too slow. and shame of shames, i always keep my heels down on the pedals! the only problem with that is i keep slipping off!!!

    on saturdays i volunteer at the local disabled riding centre. i have to ride my bike there and i'm all dressed up in my riding clothes. so i get some pretty weird looks when i'm riding along telling my bike to "whoa" lol. i've even had people ask me if i've lost a horse!!!

  10. All the time.  I tell my dog to whoa and I click at slow things (like my computer or my mom)  I also do the steering wheel thing.  If I sit in a backless chair (like a stool) I always end up in hunt seat position, with my heels down and everything.  I was riding a friends motorcycle and they had to tell me to quit kicking it when I wanted it to go faster..oops

  11. Hahahaha I know how u feel i have done it to my boy friend many times when he wont move or is going to slow or not paying attention I dont even know im doing it but ill click at him hahaha.

  12. LOL...thats so funny! I catch myself clucking and kissing to my kids to hurry up, my dogs too...........too funny!

  13. LOL!! I click at everything!! The dogs, cats, kids!!! The car, the computer, you name it!

    I've even caught myself clicking to people in the mall... You know, those little old ladies who walk -2 miles an hour in front of you? Yeah well I've just walked right behind them and started clicking!!! They looked at me like I was nuts! LOL!!

  14. Lol, constantly.

    Especially in the car, I also shift weight when I'm cornering and try to get it to bend  ( just as well I've never managed that !)

    I have been known to use "the voice" when I'm calling the cats in ( you know the one you use when you call the horses down the field and everyone seems to sound the same when they do it !)

    Edit: BB - I told my daughter to cold hose her leg because she was lame !

    Makes it worse though - she actually did !

  15. LOL I do things like that that too.  I also sometimes find myself checking my contact with the steering wheel, as if I were holding reins and not the wheel!  I used to walk dogs as a kid to make extra money, and I swear I had all of those dogs inadvertently trained to respond to "git up", "hoooo" and the clicky noise within days!

  16. haha when watching horses on tv and computer i alwasy move with the horse pretending im riding it while sitting down and yes i do click at the computer and go get up. I did it in class once haha

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