
Do you ever dream that you're peeing? (Not a joke).?

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Seriously, this is not a joke.

Sometimes when I have to urinate in the middle of the night, I dream that I have to pee.

A few times I've dreamt that I had to pee really bad, and in the dream I was walking around downtown and going from place to place looking desperately for a potty. I never find one, and eventually I wake up and discover that I have to pee really badly.

The funniest dream like this that I've had went like this:

In the dream, I get up and stand at the toilet, and start to pee. In the dream, I pee, and I pee, and I pee and pee and pee, but still, I can never fully empty my bladder. The peeing goes on for minutes after minute, and I'm standing at the toilet peeing for what seems like forever. Then I just keep peeing, but I'm getting no relief, and I still have the feeling of having a very full bladder. Then I woke up and discovered that my bladder was extremely full, and I had to pee like a racehorse! As I was running to the bathroom, I was laughing about my dream!




  1.  Yes, this is a natural phenomenon that in early childhood when a kid is sleeping things do go the way so just explained and almost the same feelings like laughing while running towards the bathroom. 

    Its not been gifted to all kids but mostly it happens because when we are an infant we use to wear nappies and pee when ever or where ever the bladder is totally free to fire any time of day 24/7. 

    So when we move ahead from infant level to childhood age between 1 year till 5 years or some times till 8 years such dreams of wonder land where there are lost of rivers, clouds rainbow its all natural. I love to enjoy pee while dreaming.

  2.  When I was little I dreamt that I was in some magical land and there was a toilet and this man came to me and said, "Pee, don't be shy. Come on." And no matter how much I tried to pee, I couldn't. Finally I managed to get one drop out. That one drop woke me up quickly and I got up and went to the bathroom. It is still really vivid in my head.

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