
Do you ever dream the apocalypse?

by  |  earlier

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I have numerous times. I can't remember the details of all of them only that they were apocalyptic I can remember a lot of the mechanisms of destruction though. Nuclear holocaust, the sky turning red and irradiating everyone for no apparent reason, meteor hitting the earth (get that one a lot), armies marching on the city I live in; you name it I've probably dreamed it happening. The weird thing is I actually kind of like these dreams they're always pretty interesting and not usually a nightmare in fact a lot of the time in these dreams I'm pretty calm and collected even whilst everyone around me is panicking. I don't think this comes from a subconscious will for the destruction of the planet, I hope not anyway. This ever happen to anyone else?




  1. I had a nightmare once of being in a large dark room with purple lights and one large mechanical door. I was in all white, and everyone around me was wearing the same white clothes. We were all extremely frightened of something, but i didn't know what and why. There were some men in military uniforms facing away from us and gaurding us. Then the door opened and in came large machines that looked like spiders. They had guns and extensions with large knives and scissors attached to them and a human head, connected to the machine, that controlled them. The heads had wires and tubes connecting them to the machines and were bloody and cut up everywhere. Their eyes glowed white. Then I had immense feelings of  dread and fear. Everyone was screaming and panicking. The soldiers opened fire but it did nothing. Everyone was being slaughtered by the machines, blood flying everywhere. People around me were being cut to pieces and chopped up. Then I woke up as the knife extension was plunged into me. Seemed like a futuristic end of the world holocaust to me.

  2. yes I have had a few!

    and the red sky IS a prophesy of the apocalypse!

    not dreaming...

    I was vacuuming once and I was near the big picture window in my living room, the sound of the vacuum faded away and I looked out pressed my forehead against the window and was almost blinded with intense white light, it slowly faded and people were running around screaming abandoning the cars they were in because they stopped working and I could feel the radiation killing me even on a cellular level and I thought "we all knew this would happen why didn't we try harder to stop it?" then another nuc hit and we all perished

    then the vacuum sound came back to my consciousness and I turn it off and quickly sat down thinking I was losing it!

    the other dream is much longer, too long to tell.

  3. No have never had one of those. People that have maybe are the one who will live a hard life or had a hard past.  

  4. no but nice dreams. that is very interesting. dont get too caried away.

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