
Do you ever fear?

by  |  earlier

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If you work fast food, are you ever scared that someone will shoot you or something of that nature? Like the manager who got shot because he tried to charge for chili sauce?




  1. I've never worked in fast food...well, I've worked in the corporate office of a fast food chain, but that's not the same at all...anyhow, you have a risk of getting shot anywhere you work, especially if you're dealing with the public.  If you work somewhere that has a lot of cash or you work by yourself, then you have more risk.

  2. No.

    Because Im not Indian.

  3. psh... no.  I'm weird, i'm not going to lie, but i see no reason to fear anything.  Though fear is a natural human instinct it's also a pointless one.  What's the point in living if we can't be content?  If we live our lives in fear that's not living contently is it? nope.  Anyways, what i'm saying is, if we, as a human race, are afraid of going to fast food restaraunts, the question is no longer are we afraid of working fast food, it's where aren't we afraid.  This might not make any sense but i hope it helps

  4. innocent people get shot everywhere

    i don't think it's primarily fast food restaurants

  5. There are crazy people in this world, but I think I would fear riding down the road in my own car and getting hit or having a hospital inject the wrong medicine dosage before I would fear that something dangerous would happen at a restaurant.

    You can't live your life in fear or you won't really live.
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