
Do you ever feel MISUNDERSTOOD or left out?

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i feel like that a lot even with my own friends.....that's why i prefer one on one settings cuz that way i get the person's undivided attention

and even though might not show..i feel left out in company and misunderstood a lot....but i doubt people can tell cuz they do enjoy my company

WHAT'S YOUR SIGN AND DO YOU FEEL MISUNDERSTOOD/LEFT OUT...give me ex. of situation when you do...

I'm a Cancer sun and Scorpio moon




  1. I'm a capricorn, and yes yes i do... when they don't talk to me.

  2. I'm a pisces, and I've often felt very misunderstood and left out in certain settings.

    With friends who I am not that close to, I can put on a very happy face, but I still feel like they don't really understand where I'm coming from 99% of the time. With friends who I am close to.. and true friends are a rarity.. I feel much more understood and not left out. I also prefer one on one, or maybe a small group of 3.

    Many water signs in particular I think will feel misunderstood and left out, like you do. You, as a cancer with a scorpio moon, would also probably do better in relationship settings where you are truly close to the person you are hanging out with. Loyal, deep, committed friendships and love relationships will probably leave you feeling much more satisfied with your life - when you truly connect with people, you don't have to put on a face, they will understand you, and they will not leave you out.

    You will always feel different, because honestly everyone sees the world so differently anyway. But it will be a much more stable life support for you to surround yourself with a small selection of close friends.

  3. Yes

  4. Yup.

    I know exactly what your saying.

    One example for me, Sometimes I put people on pedestals, well mostly my friends and treat them awesome, and no matter how good

    I treat them, they always seem to let me down in some way, and

    get the wrong intention from me. It makes me want to isolate myself from everyone.

  5. I'm a Scorpio and I feel misunderstood and left out all the time. I've even gotten scared about this because it's been almost two years since anyone has taken me seriously or shown me kindness.

  6. I feel both, the majority of the time. When I'm in a group of friends, I feel like I need to have a lot of attention, and when I don't, I feel like I might explode. My friends pair up and leave me to myself, it drives me insane sometimes...but I have learned to cope. I've learned that to succeed in life, you have to forget about what everyone thinks or says about you or how they don't understand you and move on! People like that aren't worth my time!

    Gemini Sun/Libra Moon/Cancer Rising

  7. Seriously none,but if I have to choose,then I guess that misunderstood.

    I'm always so happy and cheerful,and I have this Virgo friend that is soooo negative,every time I smile for no reason or feel happy she would look at me with the wtf-is-wrong-with-you look.

    And it makes me feel sorta misunderstood,since if it's a beautiful day outside,rainy,sunny,hot,cold,I'm always happy,but it's like none of them will understand.

    Leo sun,Sag  moon,Aquarius rising.

  8. im a virgo. people love my company but yes sometimes i feel like im the different one thats why they like me i guess you could say, cause im the funny witty one and sometimes i wish i could just be the quiet person that i am. but yeah i understand you.  

  9. I am a Sagittarius. I really am not sure why that matters, but oh well.

    I feel left out a lot... because I am. When I was in elementary school, I used to hang out with two friends, L and B we'll call them. They would always pair up together, leaving me as the odd one out.

    When I entered high school, they met two other girls. I was definitely singled out, and by the end of grade nine, I was suicidal and I cut myself. Ignoring someone is a form of bullying, and when you turn fourteen, it is then a form of harassment.

    Fortunately, I went to drama camp, and gained a lot of self confidence. I found a great best friend, who is on here by the way.

    Unfortunately, when I came back to school, I was bullied beyond belief, almost to breaking point again.

    Just remember... you can't have a rainbow without the rain. There's always someone going through worse, your life seems great.

    Good luck,


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