
Do you ever feel alone in the world? Thoughts?

by  |  earlier

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Dedicated to my muse--You are not alone


Everything is so heavy

Heart, mind and eyes

Everything is so scary

People, places; allies

Not supposed to be weary

Of this eight hour spotlight

Wasn’t meant to be carried

Into an unending dogfight

Legs feel so unsteady

Held by sycophants and liars

Always have to be ready

In this continuous crossfire

You were meant to be inducted

With support and admiration

Instead- a leader subjected

To distrust and condemnation

who comes to your aid

When thrown in the fire

Who’s meant to be trusted?

Not the minions with lighters

Where can you fall?

The pathway littered with nails

Who can you call?

When they’re covering their tails

There is nothing to do

just trust in yourself

And hope that others

will rid themselves of filth

There must come a day

when we rid idiotism

Before it’s too late

Claiming yet another victim




  1. Truthfully DL...No cryptic tricky stuff because I know you mean it....

    Only when I get around way too many 40-50..sad I know..R

  2. wow! thats really really good D:

    your very talented (:

    & you muse is lucky to have someone like you :]

  3. Very good. I agree and disagree with your thoughts. You can be alone in a crowd but only your feelings. There are many idiots in this world but few are in control, think God for that.

  4. I feel the pain of this. I fight suicide every day. I'm not certain I want to live in this world any longer. I would not know what to write someone if I did decide to end it all. I'm thankful that if I do I now have the words to pass along to those I leave behind. Thank you so much for writing this. It's exactly how I feel.

  5. I liked it..

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  6. This takes me right into the White House; where so much has been done, undone, redone, and CYA is the guiding light.  You write excellent poetry that crosses the boundaries of individualism into universality; that is the mark of a great poet.



  7. While it may be your muse, it spoke to me of a leader with no trusted allies trying to survive, to change the very system he is caught into.  I know you like to write in this style but to a reader it makes it harder to begin to comprehend your words and thoughts.  Maybe add more punctuation or resort to some line breaks.  Overall, a good read.

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