
Do you ever feel guilty after killing a spider, or a bug that you don't like the look of??

by Guest64748  |  earlier

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Or because you're scared of it and want it out the way....?

I just murdered a spider. I feel guilty every time. It's a living creature all the same... not everyone sees it that way though. I'm just scared of them, and it was bugging me so I.... threw a book on it.

Now it's smudged across the wall...

Anyone else ever feel bad?





  1. h**l no!! they belong outside, not in the house all in your personal space

  2. I do sometimes, i don't like killing any insect. People say "there are many spiders" etc and that it's no big deal. There are many humans too but i bet they don't see it's right if we're killed. Also, how would they feel if they were that spider.

    They have as much right to live as we have. Sometimes though i can't help but squash them :(

  3. No. There are many bugs in the world. Killing a few isn't a big deal.

  4. i thought i was the only one! The other day I accidentally stepped on a locus and i felt so terrible.

  5. I do!! It's so silly and I'm not religious and I have THE BIGGEST phobia of spiders ever. I leave the room cos I can't bear to kill or touch them.

    I don't like killing things so I don't, but it really bothers me when there are creatures about :s

  6. YE KINDA they feel pain to wooooooo your a murderer lol  

  7. I killed a black widow a few days ago. I always feel guilty for killing spiders and bugs... but I freak out and get scared!! I understand how you feel.


  8. As I've matured, I've gotten to where I don't kill needlessly.  If there's a bug, I left it live, or toss it outside, unless of course its a wasp or stinging insect.  Spiders are actually very good at controlling other pests, so you may want to think about letting them live.

    And I'm not a tofu type either, I hunt, fish, and kill most of my own meat.  But like I said to start with, I don't kill needlessly as much anymore.

  9. No, because there small and unimportant. bugs deserve to DIE.

  10. No.  

  11. No. Bugs are gross.

  12. I do not kill them. They are actually quite beneficial as they kill & consume other "pests". Yet I do not kill the other "pests" either, unless they bite me- and even then not always so. But then at least I feel I have the right. Otherwise, if they aren't bothering me I leave them be. How can you not like the look of them?

  13. yes i feel bad because we are just humans and they are just bugs we are just bigger and more intelligant, we are all creatures just the same.

  14. Nah, don't feel bad!! U didn't murder it.  A spider or bug has no soul.  I wouldn't feel too guilty.  That's just the circle of life, if people didn't kill bugs, we would be overrun with em!!

  15. Sometimes I do, but not always.

  16. uhhhhh..... no?

  17. I once seen a potato bug in my garden, (have you ever seen one?)

    and because it was so big and creepy looking, I killed it. I could of

    swore I heard it scream, and I practically felt like crying! I felt so bad

    I decided right there and then, I would never ever do that again.

    Especially because of its being creepy looking! How mean!!!

    (and, I never have....with the exception of some flies!)

    So. you are not alone! I try to just lead them away, or ignore

    them until they go away! I am happy to hear someone else had

    guilty feelings about what some others classify as dumb! :)

  18. Yes, unless they're on the forehead of a Muslim, then I recommend the biggest caliber weapon available.

  19. No its no big deal, just  a bug

  20. Yes, but it doesn't stop me; I get huge cockroaches and I smash them on sight, yes I feel guilty because it's totally because of their looks, but still...when I lived in CA we used to get tarantulas and there is NO WAY to kill those guys; far too big so I called my neighbor one night when I was alone and he came over wearing a raincoat and carrying a shovel. THAT'S how big they are! I had to go to my room until he finished.

  21. Only if it is in my house. Cockroaches, crickets, moths, and butterflies also scare the c**p outta me. I can't look at it's squashed body though. It's gross.

  22. omg yes i do! like i think wow.. that bug is never going to like do anything again... it just died... but i move on. and kill more bugs. i only get a second of guilt but bugs dont even live that long anyways.. soo yeah. ha im a freak i know =D

  23. Yes, sometimes. I saw a ladybug on my door yesterday and didn't touch it. Just not roaches, they spread diseases.

  24. Im hungry, pasta or bread...what u guys think

  25. I feel really sad after I kill a bug but im happy I dont have to stare at  it anymore and that it is not in my house.

  26. You know what, i actually do feel bad. There was like a colony of baby box elder bugs outside of my house like 3 weeks ago & they were all clumped together all disgusting like. So i took a leaf of a plant, covered them with the leaf & stepped on them. It was so gross, there was like 100 of them. Anyways i feel bad about that. Poor little buggers.  

  27. erm

    spagetti hoops?

  28. Yes, not for too long though.

  29. its bad luck to kill spiders I kill mosquito's ticks and sweat and horse flies cause they  bite me, If I find a spider in my house I catch it and release it outside

  30. not all the time, just when the surprise me or annoy me is it guilt free

  31. Yes.

    I am a retired professional bug exterminator. Now, I give most bugs a chance- even most spiders- you know catch and release outside.

    A black or brown widow, a wasp, and a few others I'll have no mercy on.

    But, yes- I have grown soft in my old age.  

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