
Do you ever feel just 'wrong'?

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I don't know how to explain this, but I'll try.

Do you ever feel that your life is just 'wrong'? I sometime get moments in the day, only for around 5 minutes, where I feel just weird, like I'm not in the right place, that I'm not with the right family, that I'm doing the wrong thing. I don't know why, because I'm really happy most of the time, but does anyone know what I mean? And why I get feelings like that?





  1. i get like that too,

    it just means your so happy that you want to find something that's wrong , so you look and look and then you say its just 'me'. well that's what i think , mightn't be that but i think to myself when it happens to me i just think that. sometimes i even cry.. do you know what i mean.

  2. Yep, I`m always in the wrong place at the wrong time.

  3. I can relate to how you feel. Interestingly enough, I was just talking to my co-worker about that last night. I was like- 'How did I get here?'

    I am currently separated, have a dead end job and I just feel like my life just too a wrong turn somewhere down the road. I am a College Graduate, beautiful, have a beautiful son... got lots of ideas and much to offer but yet I am stuck in this......pathetic situation!

    The only reason I believe we feel this way, is lack of satisfaction with our present. We want better, even though we don't know WHAT it is....

    It just a sense of 'not enough,' or 'there has got to be something better out there' kind of thing.

    I guess my advise to you (Lord knows I need it too) is to find that one thing that we love, are satisfied with and cherish it- for the rest? Well...remember that whatever you were/are meant to have, you WILL HAVE during your lifetime!

    Nothing less, nothing more....Enjoy the RIGHT, don't worry about the 'WRONG'

    Good luck!

  4. When i have been with a guy, the next morning i feel wrong if something happend the previous night x

  5. Sure, I think a lot of people question their existence from time to time. Some days I feel like I'm living in the "twilight zone." After all, we're living on a planet suspended in a mysterious universe, which does make one wonder what it's all about

  6. yes

  7. Its perfectly normal to feel that way!!

    Thing is that life cant always be perfect! When something goes wrong for you or the way you dont want it to go , negative thoughts take over your mind.

    A monotonous life can also give rise to such thoughts.

    Whenever you feel like that , give yourself a touch of fresh air, go out , talk to friends or family.

    Just dont take this thing serious, it happens!! best part is such thoughts come n GO AWAY!!!

    dont worry be happy:)

  8. I know exactly how you feel. I get that way when ever I stat to wish I had made different choices. ( But I wouldn't change anything really ).

  9. sometimes   yes

  10. first of all, how old are you. because this may just be a stage you go through as a teen, trying to find yourself, find what sets you out from everyone else. i think its normal to have those feeling when your in your teens. it may be a mild case of depression creeping up on you, to want to doubt your life's path, and the family who loves you. maybe talking about it with your family will push those feeling aside, get your feelings out in the open and learn to love yourself for the person you are.

  11. Yes

    I think about a recent problem and begin to wonder how did I get here and do I need a big change.

    Then I try to calmly and objectively examine my current life situation. I examine recent difficulties and the many experiences I had in the situation. Before long I find that the + are greater than the -.  

    I then look forward to the + that will be coming.  If I truly felt the - was greater than the + I would need to begin a plan to improve or change my life situation.

  12. Hormones! you're body is changing, which can really make you unbalanced. Even if you have already gone through puberty, you could just be experiencing "technical difficulties" I like to call it. =]

    You'll be okay.

    Talk to your doctor about it, they could tell you more than I could.

    Good luck!

    ~Sabrina, CA

  13. I know exactly what you mean - have these thoughts too. It is an odd feeling, like taking a big step out of the situation and looking at it objectively. I wonder how on earth did I end up here? What am I doing here? I get the strange feeling like I don't belong, even when I'm around family.

    Thoughts like that have become stronger made it to the very forefront of my mind, and in the past lead me to make take drastic action - I left my bf, my job, my home and moved 150 miles away and started all over again, and all because of the 'I don't belong here anymore' feeling. Sometimes you just have to move on. I am much happier now!

    So I guess, if these thoughts are fleeting don't worry about them. If they become more frequent, perhaps it's a sign (from God?) things need to change?

  14. I get that too

    Thought I was the only one.

    Just a weird feeling and it leaves and everything is okay again.

    Can't explain it and don't know if it has meaning to it

  15. Yes! I so get feelings like this! i feel like that sometimes and I'm like "i feel so weird being in this family".

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