
Do you ever feel like NOBODY understands you or what you're going through?

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If so, how did you get through that period in your life?? Any advice?




  1. Yeah, I do. It is horrible, but you just need to move on. Keep going forward. When I had to get through that time in my life, I just tried to think of the positives, it always helped. Another thing that helps you is if you join a sport or activity. They are a good place to meet new people, and they help you feel good about yourself. If none of that helps, talk to a counselor.  

  2. Teenage years.  I had friends but they had no idea what was r.e.a.l.l.y. going on with me.  They didn't realize that when we weren't hanging out, I was at home drunk, crying, cutting, miserable, in a dark room, listening to Metallica all afternoon, until my parents came home and I had to ACT normal.  I don't know how I made it.  I wrote a lot.  I have about 100 poems, plus multiple journals that I wrote over my teenage years.  That I guess was how I coped.  I never showed it to anyone.  Because when I write, I write disturbed.  And just because I write disturbed, doesn't mean I'm going to end my life or anything.  It's my way of releasing pain and frustration.  But would I let my parents read that?  No.  Even now, I have some personal issues going on.  People don't understand.  I pulled out my poetry because I want to read it.  I think it might help me cope.  

  3. Sometimes you just have to bite the bullet, ignore what other people say, and do your own thing.

  4. Yup. I'll been going thur the same things lately. U can't depend on no one else's opinions so don't. U just have to keep ur head up and stand strong. If ur right someone will start to look ur way. U have to be patient.

  5. All the just have to learn to depend on yourself.

  6. Well, if you're talking to a specific person about your problems then be sure to be patient and thorough so that they CAN understand. A lot of people think that no one understands them when in reality they aren't giving anyone much to go on. My advice is to just be honest with yourself and patient with other people. No one is perfect and no one is a mind reader.

  7. Keep reminding yourself that EVERYONE is entitled to THEIR opinions and that NOBODY knows YOU better than you know YOURSELF!

    If you think about it, it's not even fair to tell people you're not feeling well (when you are sick physically) because there's NOTHING they can really do about it!

    So. . .when I'm going through something emotionally and mentally, too, I may listen to people's opinions, thoughts, and ideas. . .but the bottom line is. . . .ONLY I KNOW WHAT I NEED TO DO AND HOW I'M FEELING!

  8. Yes I feel that way all the time. It's a really crappy feeling too. The way that I get through a period like that in my life is that I talk to myself. I know it sounds silly but I tell myself that everything is going to be ok and I move on with life. I also will go on the internet or read or do something  proactive to relieve the stress and get my mind off of things. 9 times out of 10 people do not understand what you are going through so you have to try and find ways to cope with it yourself which can be a hard thing to do. A pshychiatrist or counseler could help but I wouldn't rely on them fully either. Sometimes talking to them can be like talking to a wall because they don't understand either.

    I think the best advice I can give is to write in a journal/diary. Your journal will listen to everything you write down, itmay not talk back but it will make you feel a awhole lot better by simply jotting down your feelings. I hope I helped. =)

  9. yes, by telling them i don't want to be talked to like a bad child at the age of 581/2 years old. i've waited this long for immunity from scorn and i want it.

  10. I don't feel that way, I know nobody understands me. I haven't, no.

  11. Yeah... not even my parents!

    I just keep writing in my journal (what I'm going through) and keep doing the things I love (reading, writing, etc).

  12. sometimes but some understand me

  13. Absolutely. Sometimes, there are just some times when you are in some sort of pain, but it honestly seems that the people around you are too dumb to understand (no offense to anyone around you).

    But, it is possible to say that there must be someone out there who understands, because we all go through this period of our life at one time or the other.

    I'd advise you to find someone you truly trust and confide in there. Although it seems unlikely, maybe they can help.

    But, if you don't people, like me, you should write your feelings down on paper,

    in a notebook,



  14. Yes, I think everyone goes through that at one time or another. You just weather the storm, meaning it seems bleak now, but this shall pass like everything else...just try to get through it with your head held high.

  15. Yeah, when i'm on my period.

    I take Motrin:]

    Sorry, thats probably not what you meant.

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