
Do you ever feel like a failure as a parent?

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Do you ever have days where you think that you are failing your kids? I have just had one of those. My 14 month old is going through terrible separation anxiety. He clings on to my legs and screams if he can't see me. Up until now he has been the most amazing sleeper - I would put him in bed and he would go off to sleep by himself. However, his separation anxiety has now hit bedtime, too. This would be hard enough to deal with but I also have a 3½ year old who can't entertain himself for very long. So, fast forward to bedtime - my baby will not let me take my hand off his head without screaming hysterically and when I put my 3½ year old to be while this is going on, he starts to cry and moan that he has dropped something and wants it. He gets louder and louder and so I go to deal with him and the baby is hysterical. This happens at least three times. So, I shouted so loud at my eldest and was so angry. I am at home on my own at bedtime and hearing them both cry and being torn between




  1. You did exactly what i wouldve done. kids can be very frustrating sometimes but if they see us acting like them then they start walking all over you. even if you feel bad don't show your kids that go into your room and cry fi you have too. but going and saying sorry after everthing is settle is very good for you and your child! good luck to ya sweetie. your a good mommy, just hang in there! crying isn't going to hurt your child it amy give you a migrane so right befor you put the little ones to bed, take an advil. but i think your really doing great.

  2. I think that everyone feels like a failure as a parent at some point.  Don't beat yourself up.  You're only human.  You did go in and cuddle with your son and apologize, so that was good.  At times like this, just remember you are not alone.  We've all been there or will be at some point.

  3. I cant relate to you but I will tell you that U are going to loose your kool with ur kids and It might hurt there feelings at the time but they do move on. Just like the only time my grandma slapped me she felt bad for it and I was crying but the thing is I got over it. You are in a tuff situation and Losing your kool doesnt make you a bad mom it just makes you a mom that is human.

  4. Your not a bad parent. I volunteer with children all the time, young children tend to do those things. Try giving them books to read. And maybe a pet?

  5. Hun ...i think every parent feels this way sometimes and i have to say i do have these days for me its ..well long story i have twins as you can see aged 10 of of which has severe autism non verbal and still in nappies and sometimes i see this little boy walking around in his nappy and i think wow i never thought i would still be changing nappies now and it hit me 'WOW i am a bad mum i shouldn't be thinking like that but truth is i do sometimes its life, and then when i have to say to Kylie 'Wait while i see to Thomas' and realise i never even got back to her Hun ...we all do these things but being a parent is tough and being on your own is tougher and i send you big hugs not feel bad about anything we learn by things we do even at our age !

  6. My middle child sleep walks. 24 hours ago he was sleep walking and cut his heel really badly on a broken glass (he had just broken). Sitting in ER at 3am, crying my eyes out feeling like the worst parent out there. 3 stitches later, and his heel glued on, still wasn't feeling much better.

    My second eldest has had to have many surgeries to correct his ears. He cannot hear well, but the worst thing is, he cannot handle anaesthesia. It's hard to watch.

    My youngest has been having a trillion tests on his bowels. At 4 months old, he has been prodded and poked more times than I have my entire life. To top it off his bowel problems may have been inherited from his Daddy.

    My eldest, is my Godson, and I failed to protect him when he needed me.

    Do I ever feel like a failure as a Parent?

    Every day.

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