
Do you ever feel like answering serious questions with a Family Guy quote?

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Do you ever feel like answering serious questions with a Family Guy quote?




  1. Melanoma......aww that's just fancy talk for sexified!

  2. Did you hear that Zenith? Guys can marry other guys now. So...this is awkward, but I mean, if they can do that, that is pretty much it for you, isn't it? I mean you as well pack it in. Game over.

    I would really love to stay and chat but u r a total *****!  Ha ha. Oh, this is so good it just HAS to be fattening.

    Zenith!, everything I say is a lie. Except that. And that. And that. And that. And that. And that. And that. And that.


  3. lol. I can't say I have but I might start now.

  4. haha yes!

    i always go to say : this is worse than the time when......

    except i can never think of another time where it was worse. i bomb hard.

  5. s*x and the City? So let me get this straight. This is a show about 3 hookers and their mom?

  6. Never.  I always like to sound intelligent and quoting Family Guy is the fastest why to make yourself sound like a complete moron.

  7. Yey... bring on the Family Guy quotes... I only know one.

    Stewie: "Brian, tan isn't a colour, it's a lifestyle. See, you wouldn't know because you're haunting this house with your whiteness!"

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