
Do you ever feel like everyone in your workplace is an idiot who had a labotomy at the age of 6?

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Do you ever feel like everyone in your workplace is an idiot who had a labotomy at the age of 6?




  1. I work the government so what do you think ? lol

  2. not only that but two faced its kind of fun to watch as i don't care so i am not a player so its fun to sit back and watch how they relate to everyone cause i am the nice sweet maryann one who everybody likes? maybe not its two face remember

  3. Actually, no. The folks around here are mostly on the ball, except the one guy who keeps spilling nitroglycerin on the the floor.

    However, most people I know outside of the hospital are idiots.

  4. I have people here who had a labotomy as soon as they were born! (oh! and they were deprived of oxygen as well!)

  5. Here at the Astro-physicists Research Centre for Clever People I can confirm that no one has ever given off the air of having received a labotomy at the youthful age of 6.

    We are however a complete bunch of muppet geeks that have never seen a lady naked before except on the tellie of course of course.

    Actually, Abdul (32) here has just invented a C++ program that can calculate to within 15 decimal places how quickly a girl will punch us if we start talking to them or look them in the eye

    Professor Ichi

  6. I work with chickens so I would not know ..Oh you should have posted this somewhere else but that's OK for now as it seems your stressed

  7. Yeah, I am glad I don't work with that dumb as!# anymore. He is still the most immature person I have ever met.

  8. It is hard to soar with the eagles when you work with a bunch of turkeys......................

  9. i know wot u mean


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