
Do you ever feel like saying "I don't mean to be rude, but I would like to smoke by myself"?

by  |  earlier

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It's like when I'm taking a break from work or going to bed that I don't like people talking to me and making me think. Though sometimes I don't mind. What do you think?




  1. ~~The real issue is you just need time out from idle chatter, and really doesn't matter if your smoking or doing something else. I sure feel like just vegging sometimes so I can relate. You have to speak up for yourself and simply say, I need time out-let's talk later!~~

  2. You must have a hard time at work. I won't blame you.

  3. No, I used to like hanging out with work friends outside -- it was almost an excuse to do it, some people who didn't smoke regularly would do it just to hang out

  4. I kno exactly how you feel, lyk i dont smoke but i do have a very big family and for some reason they are ALWAYS at my house. Lyk dont get me wrong i love my family but i dont lyk being by myself from time to time  there are just days when im not up to the challenge of dealing with my younger cousins and eveything and my parents say that im being super rude....


  5. Yeah. When I smoked, I'd mention that I was gonna go outside for a couple of minutes. There was ALWAYS someone who volunteered to come with me to "chit chat."

    Sometimes it was nice to have someone to talk to. But other times. I just wanted to sit there and be alone for two minutes.

  6. I agree.Everyone needs their space.

  7. No, since I don't smoke!

  8. There are nicer ways to say it. "I'm sorry, I just need to space out without talking for a few minutes" sounds better than "leave me alone."

  9. take your cell phone with and say you have to make a personal call

  10. Birds of feather flock together.

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