
Do you ever feel like you've seen something before or experienced it before, but you havent?

by  |  earlier

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I get these feelings all the time!!




  1. my mom used to say, must have been here in a past life but seriously everyone who said Deja vu was right.

  2. Deja vu, yes. Haha. Everybody gets it once in a while - it's completely normal. Don't stress.

  3. I got them , though they usually happen 6 months or a year from now, you might wanna right this down next time you have on.

  4. I get these almost every day! Kinda creepy sometimes, mine are very intense and clear tho.

  5. do you ever feel vu jade? Not deja vu. When you see things that you have never seen before for a second and then they're gone!

  6. its called deja vu lol. it is very common and if you havent heard about it before, then like i said dont worry. it can be very annoying yet kinda kewl

  7. yes it's called De Ja Vue and it's very common. Typically it just means that you are feeling that whatever you're doing is monotonous or tedious. you feel bored like you've done it before.

    In some religions it is believed that dejavue is actually an example of your sub-concious remembering events from a previous or past life.

  8. Deja Vu

    don't worry its completly normal :D

  9. umm yes alot of times i do, i dont think its deja vu though, its something else. deja vu to me is when i think about something then a while later i'll experience it. what also happens to me though is when i am in the process of doing it then i'll think i've done it before but i know that i havent...i havent had the thought process before hand.

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