
Do you ever feel like your caught in the middle...?

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of a friendship? like, friends of yours don't like your other friends and and all u want is for them to like eachother???

For a cirtin 2 friends, (u know who u are) i don't like being stuck in the middle. I don't want to have to keep going back and forth....cause i love ya BOTH!! ♥




  1. Sometimes... one friend and i are OBSESSED with metal bands like Avenged Sevenfold, and we r talking bout them and other music related stuff most of the time, while my other friend is booooooooooored.. so i try to make them get along when it comes to that.. Find sumthin mutual, like a facebook online game LOL

  2. I feel like I am a third wheel when my friends are dating each other and it really makes me frustrates.  The best way for me is to respect their space and be happy for them

  3. JEN:

    i really don't know where that answer came from. i never had a problem with you. I was one of the few that was nice to you and said hi. I never said anything behind your back.


    I just listened to what others said.

    And i don't try and take sides with people. i just try and help them.

    I am Sorry if i was to nosey about the Q that abby asked! it didn't have anything to do with me.

    Its ok if you don't like me, but please don't say rude and hurtful things to me or my friends.

    thank you

    we can put all this behind us (i know i am) even though i didn't do anything!

    and i really don't care what you think about me!

  4. Katrina:

    whatever, personally i dont believe that you didnt say ANYTHING. and if you werent that kind of person, you would tell people to stop saying stuff rather than listen, and agree.

    you keep asking people why i dont like you, thats where that answer came from, not just because i decided to be mean...

    i dont care wht you think of me, its my life im gonna live it my way.

    as for the others that are talking smack, they dont even know me, no one in your group really knows me, so whatever.

  5. Since they can't get along together, see them separately.  Why should you make them miserable by inviting them to the same things?

  6. This is a very common thing. My BFF is friends with a girl I don't like and who doesn't like me. My BFF knows this and both the girl and I put up with each other for the sake of our common friend. I know I'll never like her and she'll never like me, it's just the way it is, and the compromise we have is an unspoken one. We respect each other.

  7. I'm in exactly the samee situation.I have to keep it a secret if i hangout with one of them and i have to pretend to agree with everything bitchy one or the other sayss about eacother.Screww it though! Im staying frends with both nomatter whaatt :)

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