
Do you ever feel like your kids are catching every bug out there?

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My kids are sick again. The 2nd time for my daughter in 3 weeks and the 3rd time for my son in 6 weeks. He has had the Flu 3 times in 6 weeks. I am not talking a cold, but the fevers aches and pains in the joints and headaches as well as Pharyngitis (what his sister has to). I know it is winter so there is more around but I am OVER it.

What do you do (apart from vitamins) to help keep your child from getting sick. He has had 3 weeks off this term and we are only into our 8th week (roll on holidays, only 2 more weeks, I can't wait)




  1. Awwww. It's like that isn't it.

    We cannot get rid of Gastro. It's haunting my house lately, on and off. I am pulling out full measures, and compulsively washing hands, bodies, clothing, furniture, etc.

    Now Dominik is in school, I find we are coping everything. Usually I don't get them, but I seem to be getting the brunt of all of the sicknesses.

    The 3 elder boys, Hubby & I are all on Vitamins. That's about all we can do. And keeping away from germy people - lol.

    Don't worry, it's soon to be holidays. They start Friday here! Whoo hoo!! And Spring is HERE!! Bring on the warm weather I say ;)

    Hope they recover over the school break!!


    Judging by the weather report on the news, I think winter may be here for a little longer. So you better get moving up to that snow. Me on the other hand, I can't wait till it starts getting warmer, and the sun is up for longer.

    Winter really cramps my style, lol!! So much to do, not enough hours in the day.

  2. your kids will probably get magically better when holidays come, even if they are sick


  3. Yes, I know what you mean. When my daughter started kindergarten last year she got a cold week 1, a couple weeks later strep throat, then flu then a stomach virus and on top of all this she had a cough that wouldn't go away and then she got so sick her whole body reacted and she got a terrible rash from head to toe. I felt like the worse mom in the world. I took her to the doctor every 2 weeks in kindy, pretty much.

    They just said, she's young, all kids have at least 1 terrible year and that was hers.

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