We moved to a new school district about 6 months ago. For the first 3 months or so, I drove the kids back and forth every day to there old school, and then in March they decided to switch to their new school. My 8 year old daughter seems to be adjusting well, but I'm not sure about my 11 year old son. His teacher says he's doing great and fitting in well, but my son doesn't feel like he is. I got a call from the school today that my son has been bullying a couple of other kids. Lots of times I feel like he's just not happy, or kind of down, and I feel very sad. I'm really hurting for him right now. Does anyone else feel like their kids aren't happy? What can I do to help? At his old school he was very popular, and I know at his new school he hasn't made a "best" friend yet. I'm really feeling like a bad mom right now...