
Do you ever feel like your kids aren't happy?

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We moved to a new school district about 6 months ago. For the first 3 months or so, I drove the kids back and forth every day to there old school, and then in March they decided to switch to their new school. My 8 year old daughter seems to be adjusting well, but I'm not sure about my 11 year old son. His teacher says he's doing great and fitting in well, but my son doesn't feel like he is. I got a call from the school today that my son has been bullying a couple of other kids. Lots of times I feel like he's just not happy, or kind of down, and I feel very sad. I'm really hurting for him right now. Does anyone else feel like their kids aren't happy? What can I do to help? At his old school he was very popular, and I know at his new school he hasn't made a "best" friend yet. I'm really feeling like a bad mom right now...




  1. if this is the first time he is bullying then its a sign of something.

  2. Just by being aware of the problem is a start. Alot of parents just turn the other cheek.

    First, I would have him see a counselor-it might be easier for him to talk to a "stranger" than a parent. What about sports-can you get him involved in something or a club where he could find others that have similiar interests. Invite some kids over or go the movies with a couple.

    My daughter has been the victim of bullying this year-It's been a really rough year-so for me the question of is she happy pops in my mind every day. I don't want her to be depressed over this or think it's her fault and sometimes I question-did I not do enough for herto handle herself when this happens.

    So I feel for you...

    Good luck.

  3. I would make sure that the school is telling the truth. It could be that he is the one being bullied.

    Schools do not do anything about bullies because if they did they would not get money from NCLB.

    So, what they do is punish the VICTIM and NOT the BULLY!

  4. its only natural to feel attached to the old school. give them a sense of belonging & security of knowing their surroundings.

    when i change school for children. my 6 yr old daughter is adapting well. my 5 yr old son keeps on telling me i want to go back to the old school.

    i spoke to his teacher couple of times regarding his welfare - adjustment / attitude / acceptance from new friends. his teacher said boys take more time to let go of something that comforts him. just like how this saying goes... YUP HIS A MAMA'S BOY! u get my drift? girls are more intune with their survival mode compared to boys.

    hope this will ease your worries. good luck.

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