
Do you ever feel positive or negative energy emanating from someone's "field"??

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Do you ever feel positive or negative energy emanating from someone's "field"??




  1. never in my life

  2. Definitely. There are people who radiate a pleasant warm aura while others are cold. The latter are called "energy vampires". They seek out those who are healthy and have an excess. I am not saying that having healthy excess "vibes" is a bad thing - it is good.

    You can test that by slightly rubbing your hands together for a few secs and then try to feel their aura. The warmer it is the further away from the body you feel it.

  3. Yes that is one way i could tell which people to pick up or not pick up when i was driving my taxi.

  4. I think both. And it's been so obvious, these last few weeks. And I have learned so much about that very point. And thelesson that I know. There are good people, out here. And there are those that only wish to strike you down. I'll never see why? But I only know that I have found me so many friends in these days. And you are certainly one of `em. God Bless you.

  5. I don't walk around like a human radar, but sometimes things pop in my head. The tough part is deciding if its subtile physical clues, like their appearance, voice, etc.. or if it's a real vibe.

    I am often unable to predict trama in peoples lives who were around me  :(

    But, sometimes I get things..

  6. I have experienced this so often. It is more than just a first instinct or stereotype of a person... more like a type of ESP that allows insight of one's character.

    I always have hunches or sense something is not quite right with some people and then I discover why later.. Often I can then say to close ones, that I have let on about this,- "see, I knew it" !

  7. Everything and every body radiates energy . You are a receiver

    like a t.v.  or a radio .  Always listen to your self.  Its your feelings that guide you through life.  it tells you what is right and what is wrong every time  ( if you listen ) .  The most Important thing is that you are happy . If they are not happy you will know , either change the subject or leave the area.  Its all your choice....

    Thank You

    Raven Dave

  8. Yes I do and it can be so powerful i  feel ill when it is very negative!

    My three yr old daughter has the same "gift"

    In fact many children do, as do animals....have you ever heard it said that dogs and children are very good judges of character? Well this is why!



  9. Yes. I can feel when vibrations change too, even if it is ever so slightly. I can sense what a person is up to, their motivation or agenda. I know when they are lying, I know when they are jealous, or being phony. It is rare to come across anyone that doesn't exude some sinister side of them, sadly enough.

  10. There are many people who emanate positive or negative feelings, but you don't need to explain it in terms of hypothetical and undetected "energy fields".

    Humans are very sensitive to subliminal cues from others, and the mood or personality of another person can have strong positive or negative effects.

  11. No such thing as someone's field.  Sorry.

  12. Yes and it is an interesting thing that happens with me after contacting people with bad energy- my phone begins to make a reversed photos - this way I discover who bears negative energy or according my beliefs -  a reversed reincarnation scheme/demonic.This may seem ridiculous but this kind of people are often connected with black magik/parasite channeling etc. and may be they influence technik/accomodated to personal field.

    Do you like such answers?

  13. yes,i do

  14. Sure, absolutely, but that's easy to deflect.  The ones that really bug me are the "energy suckers".  I've only met a dozen or so in my life, but boy, you never forget them.

  15. Yes... its a common thing, like how we breath, the ability to sense this takes nothing at all

  16. Many people do not define the feeling you are describing as "field".  As a teacher, I hear many teachers saying how a class or a certain student will simply drain the energy from them.  These students are usually the emotionally disabled students or behavioral disordered students.  Many times, a person may feel the "energy" of a room- or the lack of "energy" from a room.   Good teachers can deflect these feelings and actually improve the "vibes" from the students or classes.

  17. Oh come now. Noe "fields" have ever been measured. It's all new age BS.

  18. I sure do.  I'm very sensitive to energy, and I try to stay away from people with negative vibes.  They make me ill.

  19. YES.

    For me, feeling positive energy is not real strong. But I can feel negative energy really, really strongly. It's like getting hit by a ton of bricks in some cases.

    Negative energy is something else, it can be really scary, and sometimes it gives me positively awful, intense headaches, depending on who it is. I rarely ever get a headache, it's just not my make-up, but every once in a while a person will walk by me and all of a sudden I'll get this HORRIBLE shooting pain in my head, it can knock you off your feet!

    Sometimes I think that the pain is associated with something not right in that person's system, like there is a serious disease they have going on.

  20. Honestly I think everyone can ... I have a friend who doesn't believe in energy fields, auras, etc. but she told me one time whenever this guy walked into the room or near her she got the heeby jeebies. THAT is feeling energy.

  21. I do, and as a sensitive it is unnerving how many truly emanate black negativity.  However I have met some angels who emanante a glorious and heavenly positivity.  


  22. Sorry folks, but this is all B.S.

    But some of you are really confident and even boastful of your ability in this area. So, I invite you to apply for the James Randi $1 Million prize. It should be very simple for you to win this, that is, if your powers are real.

    An experimental protocol for this test should be easy to devise. Perhaps select a group of 10 people for which you think you can detect major differences in their "energies", either positive or negative. Then, you will be suitably blindfolded, ear muffs, etc., to limit your physical senses and you'll be asked to identify the 10 people as positive or negative emitters of energy again. If you can do it, you win the $1 Million.

    Sounds easy, for someone who actually has this ability, doesn't it? Perhaps someone here has the integrity to do it.

  23. OMG I was at my second part-time job and I was behind the register and checking my break times. Then I felt something. It was like a radiating of pure joy. A sunshine of happiness. I turned around and it was this girl that I had a huge crush on that is engaged.

    She no longer works there. I never did anything but I hope wherever she is in life she is happy, safe, and well.

    Too bad I didn't meet her first and in that situation I'm glad I had/have anxiety.

  24. All the time, I can tell the type of person they are by the energy they emanate.  It doesn't take me long to figure out if I will like someone or not just by feeling their energy and seeing their aura.

  25. Yes. Positive attitudes, not so much, maybe because I'm normally on the same wavelength with them. But the negative stuff really gets to me sometimes. I just blow it off and try to get away as soon as I can.

  26. Yes, it is what astrology says by compatibility in general, and in particular case, a certain life situation changes the basic mode of energy field. This comes when someone in a depression, falling in love etc, either  happiness or sadness, both are about emotion which in turn actually, our subtle energy .  

    or, when things go wrong after meeting someone, might he has  a kind of energy  that should  be avoided, or in reverse, after meeting someone or during the meeting you feel things are ok, even better, keep this person on your circle.

    In conclution, if negative emotions are all about, the energy is about negative things. and in the reverse with  good emotions, but should be controlled well  or turn to be negative as well.

    So, this my rule to get a long with people. Regardless of any rule or ethics, religion, etc. Simply, the kind and the level of energy.

  27. Yes, the negative part is very creepy and I feel like I have to get away from that person because I can't breathe.. sort of like a mild anxiety attack or a mental/physical drain

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