
Do you ever feel sick n tired of your partner?

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Please share your experiences with me...give me examples. Also, what do you do about it....

Is it a good enough reason to break up with someone if your just plain sick and tired of them?




  1. If you get sick and tired of someone, then don't marry them.  Forever is a very long time.  I never, ever get sick of my husband.  I seriously can't get enough of him.  I'd love to spend every minute with him.  He's my best friend and lover.

  2. I used to have this boyfriend that I was sick and tired of seeing and being with. He just made me sick, all he thought about was drinking and it just made me sick. I knew that I had to leave him and never see his face again.  When I left he didnt understand why. I told him that I was sick and tired of his lazy a@@!

  3. Not really. I get mad at my husband occasionally but I don't ever wish for a divorce or anything. I love him with all of my heart.

  4. You need to look at the reason(s) that are making you feel sick-n-tired and see if the two of you can make some changes. That is, what are you sick and tired about?  Otherwise, you may have outgrown your partner or fell out of love.

  5. Nope i have never gotten sick and tired of my husband.

    I love him more then anything and he is my whole life and best friend.

    If he didn't have to work i would love to be able to spend 24/7 with him and he feels the same way.

  6. Well, when there is real love and relationship is in a healthy and stable place, no. If you lack love and you´re having more conflict than good laughs, maybe.

    To start with, some couples have great chemistry and hardly ever find differences and get along great even on the hard times. But others have to work they´re way through to make it a stable relationship.

    It all depends what tires you of your partner and what makes you sick. For me, my husband is almost my perfect match on more things than he´s not. We watch TV together with no problem, eat the same foods, love to sleep, love wathing movies, going to the movies, eating out. Some differences are that I´m more active and he´s more passive, so to balance we negotiate stuff like, let´s go out on Friday night and stay Saturday. But if you feel, for example, that you can´t even get to a middle point and no matter what you do, still no solution, then maybe something else is going on like communication issues or lost of interest in one another, etc.

    However, I do believe many people give up too easily.  

  7. I love my husband more than anything I have. He is my best friend. But at times he does annoy me. Im never tired of him, i just love him more and more evryday

  8. being sick n tired of your partner is extreme...breakup is the only remedy

  9. god yes..we work together and live together.. were like conjion twins.. he is talking about going away for the weekend with friends.. and i like saying.. yeah .go. go have fun,..

  10. being sick and tired of your partner is part and parcel of a relationship.. you'll will never find someone who will keep  you excited and entertained all the time... so.. whoever you choose, you will get sick and tired of that person after a while.. but the excitement will follow in after that too.. so it's just a cycle..

  11. I left my husband because I was sick and tired of him. Just spending time with him was not enjoyable anymore. I realise now that it was because I didn't know what real love was when I married him. I'd confused friendship for love. Now I am head over hills in love with a new man. We've been together for 2yrs and my heart still flutters and I get excited when he comes home after finishing work! We do absolutely everything together and can't get enough of eachother. At first I thought we must just be in a honeymoon period but our feelings just get stronger everyday. It was a very tough decision to leave my husband as we weren't arguing all the time or anything like that but we were just leading an average life. Now we are both living fantastic lives with people who bring out the best in us (yes he has a wonderful new lady too). So, leaving your husband might be hard but by staying together you are preventing him and yourself from finding the person you're meant to be with. I wish you all the best.....

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