
Do you ever feel suiside is the only way out?

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People hate themselves so much. It is amazing what they are willing to risk to end there pain and suffering by letting go.

Do you think sometimes this is the only way?

What do you think of the effects?

Is suicide greedy?




  1. Never, it's the only unforgivable sin and you will burn for it. Not worth is and stupid.

  2. I feel suicide is selfish. No problem is too big to kill yourself over. I don't care what it is about. Deal with the guilt and pain and sorrow and have God help you and you will become a stronger person in the end of it all. No life is perfect.

  3. Well instead of what most people would say, I have an interesting take on this. Everyone, regardless of race, financial status, age, etc experience thoughts of ending their own lives at some point. Obviously more than others. I believe it's some ultimate form of defense mechanism, however read on...

    When someone experiences thoughts like this , what really does help shine a light on a rather sad situation is that you will be looking back on yourself about a year from now, doing something enjoyable and thinking "i really was going to give this up."

    I've had a few friends who have taken their own lives. It is extremely foolish and extremely sad to those around them. The pain their family and friends have to deal with for the rest of their lives is MUCH worse than the little bit of pain the suicide victim experienced. It's a very selfish act. And more often than not, a couple of weeks later the situation that caused those feelings somehow resolved on its own. So the suicide was in vain.

    I'm a Christian but for sake of neutrality I won't get into my beliefs. I will say, however, that I've seen a couple atheists in my time during their final hours during a heart attack and in the hospital praying for their soul to find safe haven. Suicide is not an option if one wants to traverse to heaven after. I believe that those committing the act are the wandering lost, tortured souls on earth we hear/see, having to relive their misery. That sounds very counter productive of the intended reason for doing it in the first place to me.

    Moving on, the effects of it are drastic. I've known a parent who had a heart attack and died upon finding out their son committed suicide, ending his life as well that same night. I've seen friends committed to insane asylums for the rest of their lives. Their life is now ruined because that person couldn't handle the stress and push on until things got better.

    I think it is very greedy yes. I think people who hint at suicide shouldn't be coddled but rather slapped until reality kicks in. So much in life is ahead, family, children, wonderful friends, great events, big purchases of things you've always desired.

    Try to look a few weeks into the future, does *any* situation really warrant the taking of your own life. And, who or what is important enough that you will kill yourself over them/it?

    God Bless and be safe.

  4. All the time, I'm Manic. The voice in my head usually tells me to try something else.

  5. yes suicide is selfish and think of all the people that love you, you just want hurt'em like that

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