
Do you ever feel that the only thing that keeps you going?

by  |  earlier

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is your appointments with your counsellor/therpist etc. That life without it would just be completely empty and there's nothing else in life that you find any point in?





  1. No.

    I have always wanted regular meetings with a counsellor or therapist. But I didnt want to get too attached to them as you have mentioned. So I have never dared to do it.  

  2. at the moment i feel that seeing a therepist was the worst mitake i ever made! i keep going for sessions but its useless. it just adds stress to my life.  

  3. My children keep me going, but I think it is great that you are getting on well with your therapist. I hope that you feel more positive in other areas of your life as time goes on.

  4. i felt this way till i got a job, keep strong you WILL be cured one day

  5. i think we all have a time in our lives where we can't clearly see the big picture.  embrace all that you have and not what you don't.  

  6. No.  I avoid therapists and doctors like the plague.  I have suffered from anxiety and depression for nearly 30 years but i just get on with my life,  I have worked full-time for 40 years and have had just 3 days sick in 5 years.

  7. no i'm sorry that's how you feel. Maybe you should go out with friends, maybe go on holiday to give yourself something to look forward to x x x x x

  8. Yes.

    And ive only been seeing my GP for 6 appointments (about self harm and some other issues).  I see her every two weeks and one time she told me to come back in a month and when i got home all i felt was panic! I really didn't think i was going to last a whole month.

    I don't really unserstand it but i completly know what you mean and i feel this ALL the time.  

    With me it might be because she is the only form of support i really have in all of this.  She seems to really understand where i'm comming from and during appointments she makes it easy for me to talk about things i can't talk to anyone else about.

    I HATE talking to friends about personal things because i feel they don't unserstand ATALL, judge me and i fear i'll drive them away by overloading them with my problems.

    So seeing as the only support is a GP then in between appointments i don't feel supported atall.  Just lost, confused, alone, uncared for, feel down and generally not copeing well atall.

    Also i often get scared and concerned about a lot of the thoughts and feelings i get and usually my GP puts my mind at rest about a lot of these things.  

    Sorry, this answer is a bit rubbish.  I had a good one before but then my stupid computer broke down and it deleted whilst spell checking.

  9. I have never had to go to the consular however i think as you say this is good because they will help you to understand what you are going through and be a support for you!!!!GOOD Luck and i will pray for you!GOOD LUCK and i wish you a great day!!

  10. no, but get yourself a puppy! it'll keep you happy

  11. No. Sorry to hear about Your life.

  12. I don't suffer from mental illness, but my girlfriend who suffers depression has mentioned this before. It's good that you have something positive to keep you going and hopefully as time goes on you'll find more things worth doing.

  13. I've been to one of them and its like talking to a brick wall. My music, friends and God keeps me going, I have came so far in life now and it would be hard to through in the towel now.

    Life can be a b***h!

  14. I find the only thing that keeps me going is air and food and water.

    Love it :D

  15. Sounds like depression dear. I have tried just about every medication out there and now Prozac seems to be helping a bit. Keep your chin up.

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